Thursday 13 November 2014

One Piece 767 Review: Hopefully the end of the flashback

One Piece, Chapter 767: Cora-san

Hopefully it's the end of the Law flashback. As much as I like Law and I'm interested about finding out about his backstory, it's been dragged on for a bit too long for my tastes, and this is the second flashback sequence in the Dressrosa arc after Rebecca's. I certainly can't wait to get back to the present-day timeline... and not only see the Luffy and Law vs Doflamingo fight, but also see all the other dudes. Zora vs Peeka, Kairos vs Diamante, Franky vs Senor Pink, Robin, Kinemon, Gladius, Lao G, Dellinger, Baby 5, Fujitora, Sabo, all those dudes... is Buffalo dead? What about Team Sanji and Big Mom's ship? What's up with those, it's been close to a year too!

I mean, Law's flashback's been pretty cool, seeing the Donquixote Pirates in their prime, but considering that a good chunk of the Donquixote hasn't done much in present-time other than show off an ability or two, it's hard to really get excited for the stuff they did in the past when we could've cut the flashback short and saw what the could've done in the present instead.

The cover story is basically Jinbe discovering more disappearing things and whatnot. I'm not particularly interested, really.

We first open the chapter apparently with a series of disjointed frames from what I assume are younger versions of Vergo, Trebol, Rocinante, Doflamingo and what I think is Diamante, which I don't think really makes sense and are just images from Doflamingo's past... I just hope we don't spend another chapter seeing, oh, how Doflamingo gathered his allies or some shit, which would take a huge amount of time and be unnecessarily annoying.

And then we see young!Doflamingo, being the massive jackass that he was, pointing a gun at his father's head while he's hugging Rocinante, and then Doflamingo pulls the trigger. The death is off-screen and the panel breaks up as Rocinante does the One Piece crying face.

I'm not quite sure how the Donquixotes broke free from the angry pitchfork mob, but from Trebol's words in the series of frames I guess Doflamingo activates his Conqueror's Haki and knocks everyone out, and Diamante for whatever reason hands Doflamingo a gun? I guess the Executives are relatively involved in Doflamingo and aren't just yes-men but are actually involved as kind-of equals during Doflamingo's growth. Or something. Though assuming Vergo takes Corazon's place as the Heart seat, then that means that Peeka is just... absent? Or if that's Diamante even, it's not really clear.

Anyway, we know what happens after this bit -- Doflamingo goes off to Mariejois or whatever with his father's head and basically tells the Tenryubito, the Celestial Dragons, to piss the hell off.

We cut back to the young!Law flashback where Doflamingo has just activated Birdcage. Doflamingo's doing his Parasite thing where he gets the pirates to kill each other. Apparently some kid with powers named Dory manages to escape Birdcage and runs off or something? Doflamingo basically kills everyone and he's pretty pissed off.

There's a theory going around where Dory seems to be a young X-Drake. Which it could be, since the chapter's going on about how the kid also had powers and he meets the Marines and it kind of fits, so yeah why the hell not?

And then we cut off to a shot of Diamante, Trebol and Machvise just looting treasure happily, which I thought was funny until it's an actual plot point later on. Buffalo (who's grown gigantic to match his present-day size) and a still-tiny Baby 5 are patrolling the skies looking for Rocinante-slash-Corazon, and Baby 5 intercepts a transmission from the marines saying they got a little kid.

Meanwhile, Corazon, the idiot that he is, is just running with his hands in the air straight into Gladius. You stupid dumbass, Corazon. Also it's no longer funny when Doflamingo's all serious-looking and angry and shit.

We then see Law hidden in some place, unable to get out. We later find out that it's a treasure chest and Corazon placed him there, and it's a very effective scene as we hear the various words of Corazon and the Donquixote pirates as they gang up and beat up Corazon as a horrified Law can only listen in the darkness.

As everyone gathers around the bloodied Corazon, we finally get the confrontation between Doflamingo and his brother, and Doflamingo is pissed. Apparently in the past, Doflamingo... straight-out abandoned Rocinante, and he's found by... a young Sengoku, I guess? It looks like Sengoku. Corazon pulls out a gun and goes 'M.C. 01746, Commander Rocinante', which is a pretty badass scene where despite being bloodied and surrounded by a group of powerful super-powered pirates, and he's still trying to bring down Doflamingo.

We have this moment where Corazon distinctly knocks the chest where Law is hiding in, and apologizes for lying -- something that would also sound natural when spoken to Doflamingo. It's a One Piece flashback so there's a lot of sadness going on, and we know Corazon flipped out when Law asked if he's a pirate. Apparently Law knew all along? Corazon tells Doflamingo what happens, how Law ate the Ope-Ope Fruit and bluffs that Law made it out of the Birdcage before it was activated.

And, lo and behold, how fortunate that Baby 5 happens to intercept the Marines coming into custody of a boy moments earlier!

Doflamingo gets ready to undo the Birdcage and sends off his troops to search the marine ships for what he thinks Law has hidden, and he says that he plans to teach Law the importance of dying for him and doing that super-awesome operation that will make him immortal.

Doflamingo then pulls out his own gun and goes 'why do you force me to shoot another family member?' Yeah, as if shooting your own brother is his fault... Law keeps hitting the chest and trying to get out and help Law, naturally, but we get to see a mini-flashback where Corazon stuffs Law into the chest and uses a 'Calm' spell to make all the noise he makes unable to be heard from outside, before telling Law that the pirates will take the loot to their boat, ensuring that Corazon's bluff will work. Corazon also tells Law that his brother won't kill him... yeah, I'm sure he knows full well that Doflamingo's a family-killing bastard. He does this one last smiling 'I love you' funny face and Law laughs.

We cut back to Corazon standing up, telling Doflamingo defiantly that Law is fucking free, how he won't bow down to some 'heaven-send child that has strayed from the path' like Doflamingo and it's a cool if tragic scene, while Law is just banging noiselessly on the chest going all 'this isn't how it's supposed to go!'

Doflamingo then shoots Corazon and it's a poignant death as it's just two silhouettes shooting each other with the sound effects, followed by a series of shots, including Doflamingo's grimacing face and Law's noiseless screaming clinching the moment and a couple brief flashbacks of Corazon's antics from the past few chapters.

As the Donquixote pirates carry their loot back to their ship, Corazon hangs on to what's left of his life to preserve his 'Calm' spell on the crying Law, who manages to later shamble away into the snow while the pirates are loading their cargo into the ship. Tsuru's marine ship arrives just in time for the 'shi~in' silence sound effect to move from Law to the dying Corazon, which I thought is a good usage of the storytelling format, and at which point Law's audible crying mixes together with the sound of cannonballs and stuff.

It's still a well-written flashback, Corazon's death is pretty sad and depressing and it's cool to see Doflamingo just be a massive dickbag douchehole about everything and some confirmation on just what went down on this. We're probably going to get another chapter, or half a chapter, of Law getting cured and shit. Though I think we can just leave it like this and please please please get back to the present-day? I want to see Luffy and Law and Doflamingo in the present day!

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