Thursday 20 November 2014

Toriko 302 Review: Balls CNFRMD

Toriko Chapter 302: The True Form of Food Treasure Pair Bambina's balls.

Like, it was a half-joke in the last chapter, and I thought they're just being super-vague and innuendo-y, but no. Kaka straight-up confirms that Food Treasure Pair is, in fact, Bambina's balls.

I have no words.

Anyway, the chapter starts off with Toriko and the others commenting on the gigantic Birth Cry Tree, with them taking note how the giant tree's leaves and fruits and whatnot makes it look like a starry night. Kaka explains that all the star/planet-like things hanging off the tree are all Pairs, which is odd. Kaka further explains that Pair is originally an ingredient used in a display of courtship by the Monkey King males, and the shinier and bigger the Pair, the more manly the Monkey King is and they have the right to leave off as many offsprings as they want to or something along those lines. That alone would be enough innuendo, but Coco and Sani goes on and wonder about what part of a monkey can look like a pair of beautiful stars, with them using a peacock's plumage as a comparison. Oh if they only knew...

Toriko then asks Kaka what species Bambina is, since Heracles is the name of a particular Phantom Beast Herac. Kaka casually name-drops the name of the Battlewolf King, Guinness... which we last saw in Jiro's technique, the Guinness Punch which does take the shape of a wolf. Interesting tidbit there. Kaka then says that Bambina is a member of the species 'Kintamandrill', with Kintama meaning literal testicles.

And then we get flat-out confirmation as they say how Pair is Bambina's testicles. Freaking monkey balls.

This is just such a ridiculous and equally disgusting thing, and, well... technically it's in line with Toriko's brand insanity, but really? Balls? Not a big fan of this development, really. Sani is rightfully disgusted.

Also Bambina is apparently the name of a female monkey that a former Monkey King recruited. Not really sure what this means. Also Toriko goes and gets confused on how monkey balls can replace Komatsu's heart. We get to see some random dude from the back observing the Denshark. It's a dude with black hair, black shirt and some kind of ribbon-bandana thing flapping in the wind. Is it Yosaku? Guemon? It's likely to be one of the missing 0th Biotope people, except I don't recall on the top of my head who was sent to Area Seven.

Toriko gets confused by the sight, and Zebra says that he wants to eat one of the Pairs on the tree... except they can't, since they don't have Komatsu's cooking skills with them. Why didn't Brunch go with them anyhow? In addition to being a fearsome combatant in his own right, he can at least help out if they needed to cook something to activate Gourmet Cells or whatever. Bah.

Also just how does it work? How on earth does Bambina's balls cause this giant Yggdrassil tree to sprout a gajillion, uh, planet-shaped equivalents of mandrill testicles? Jeez.

As they enter the Zero Mountain Range, they use Air on Denshark and Komatsu to protect them, and apparently natural, gigantic Sandoriko flowers hang out there. Like an entire field. A tiny potted version that's apparently artificially bred to be weaker did a shit-ton of damage to the Four Kings... this many, though? But we're not facing the Sandoriko, at least not at the moment, and apparently we get a bit of a montage as two more days have passed, Komatsu's condition deteriorates several times -- dude's lucky to even be alive for so long without having a fucking heart -- and the easiness of their journey so far made the Four Kings feel uneasy because, you know, it's too easy.

We see this big, giant winged big-faced serpent with pig-faces in the middle of its bat wings, apparently called a Tondler, which gets immediately squished by gravity. Kaka says this thing is 100G Mountain, where Bambina hangs out. We get a bit of description on how the animals that wander into 100G Mountain get completely squished flat by the gravity.

We get a couple of description from Toriko about the intensity of the gravity, and he briefly compares it to Heavy Hole from way back in the Melk arc, I believe. It's a bit of a nice parallel, how the original training for the Gourmet World involved oxygen pressures and increased gravity, and both the Horse King's area and the Monkey King's areas all take this to the extreme.

Just as Toriko is just doing this internal monologue as he reflects about the heavy gravity and how to get Komatsu through it, he looks back and everyone is like, super-surprised. Even Zebra, which is certainly not something you see very often.

And apparently, freaking Bambina is right. There. He's not much taller than Toriko and not a ginormous battleship-sized affair like Heracles, but he's there, all gangly and weird-looking and shit, and the artwork confirms that he has both balls and baboon-butt, making him the most disturbing thing in this manga.

So all in all, I'm intrigued for what's to come next, but still at the same time horribly disgusted at the idea of eating monkey testicles. Especially such an ugly motherfucker like Bambina.

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