Friday 14 November 2014

Toriko 301 Review: Monkey balls

Toriko Chapter 301: The King Playing Around

Around the first ten or eleven pages is just Monkey King Bambina looking at a skipping stone and just fucking around and cuts a mountain in his tail, and apparently he just plays skipping stones with giant mountains he cuts that go around the planet and finally get reduced to stones. Is it the mountain that was eaten by the giant Pelican in the first Gourmet World chapter? Whatever. It's a bit annoying. Bambina is also disturbing, since what I thought was his baboon-butt seems to be... his balls? It could go either way, and this is freaking Japan, after all.

We get a page going on about how the monkeys formerly under Goritaurus are just eating food freely and all that stuff.

Kaka (Caca? Whatever) explains how Food Treasure Pair is the one responsible for causing the continent's flora and fauna to be so big. And Kaka goes on about how the 'source' of Pair is in the monkey king's body... seemingly implying his balls. Or butt. Please don't. It's disgusting either way.

Monkey balls aside, apparently the 'conventional' Pair is at the Birth Cry Tree which kind of lets Pair flow throughout the continent and whatever. Kaka tells us some backstory about how the Blue Nitro stole Pair and caused the continent to be malnourished, leading to the mutation and the birth of the Sandoriko flower. We get some stuff more about the civilizations of the past and how the Nitros are unable to properly cook Pair (just like Air before).

We get a little recap on how Kaka goes on about how he doesn't want Komatsu to die, because they need his cooking skills to cook all the other stuff and how he's read the ingredient book in Gourmet Pyramid or whatever. Toriko goes 'we just want to eat with Komatsu' and apparently there's something going on. Either it's just your average happy-times scene, or Kaka is actually backpedaling because she(?) wants to utilize Komatsu in ways that are less than friendly or something and just goes 'I just want to thank him for waking me up from cryptobiosis'. Coco goes off to check on Komatsu and there's a couple of panels that linger on Kaka and Coco's face. Curious. Are we going somewhere with this? It's odd, certainly. Is one of them evil?

And the last page is them reaching the Birth Cry Tree, which apparently has planets for fruit. Huh. What the hell is Pair, hopefully it isn't Bambina's balls and the soup isn't his semen. What the hell is the planet tree, what's going on with Kaka and Coco? Man, this chapter feels so short. Partly because half of it is just Bambina fucking around, but still, I've never thought I'd see the day where Bleach isn't the most dragged-out, slow-paced chapter of the week.

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