Anyway... I honestly enjoyed some of these episodes a whole lot, especially those that focused on Gohan, Freeza and Krillin. But on the other hand, there were definitely a bit way too much padding and unnecessary two-parters, and some flagrant inconsistency about the power level of Super Saiyan Blue in particular. While I can overlook (read: don't care about) the intricacies of power levels, the show has more or less been somewhat-kinda consistent, but here Blue ends up somehow matching... Krillin? Roshi? Tien? And Android 17 and Freeza both suddenly get immense power-ups that don't particularly make sense beyond a blatant 'roll with it, kay?' from the writers. Handwaving power ups is one thing, but the biggest sin of this arc is not making them believable. "Training off-screen" and "hiding their powers" doesn't just cut it when you don't show any of them doing so in DBZ or in these few episodes... and, hell, considering how so many people abused the Room of Space/Time during the Cell and Buu arcs, I honestly am surprised that they didn't use that as an excuse to how Tien or Roshi got stronger.
Like, I get that they want to hype up the human characters, but at the same time it does seem unbelievable for them to reach that level when they can barely keep up with Super Saiyan 1 like three in-universe years ago. We don't get any real believable training with Kaioshin activating Ultimate-Roshi or whatever, or some sort of Guru-style unlocking of hidden potential, and in the actual tournament (spoiling a couple of episodes forward) they don't actually show off that much power. But eh, we'll discuss each case as we go. To keep it simple, I'm once more dividing things up per episode and mini-arcs...
A criticism I have for the entire mini-arc as a whole is that I really, really wish they don't end every episode with the same CGI shots of the Grand Priest telekinetically building the arena. Honestly, after like 5 episodes ending like this I just skip to the next one every time that goddamn CGI arena shows up. Oh, and especially around episodes, oh, around 85-ish to 92-ish, we just have constant cutaways to Beerus stress-eating and stress-sleeping, while Shin and Whis are just going all "oh, silly Beerus" which honestly gets absolutely grating due to how repetitive it is.

We also get the revelation from Shin and Whis that there are only 28 planets with life-forms in Universe 7 and... wow, did Freeza and Beerus really fuck up that many planets? Considering the sheer amount of alien races we've seen, did the Freeza Army really fuck up the world all that much? This does give us the excuse of limiting the Universe 7 choices to the ones we know (Goku hilariously suggests Monaka, and Goku quickly overrules Gotenks), and we get a bit of a neat little mind-battle between Krillin and Basil. Whis also establishes the fact that Senzu beans are forbidden. A lot of this episode is honestly just discussion, to be honest... and we get the absolutely hilarious joke of Yamcha overhearing the Tournament of Power and trying to 'play it cool' before Goku invites him. Oh, Yamcha. The showmakers are acutely aware of Yamcha's status as a memetic loser and I absolutely love it.

Episode 85: Goku meets buff Buu! It's a bit of a fake-out as, well, everyone knows Majin Buu gets replaced by Freeza around 5 or 6 episodes later, but it's still a neat little episode for those who don't google stuff in the internet, as Goku stumbles upon Majin Buu training wtih Mr. Satan... and Buu has unlocked a new form! He's buff! And we get a brief Goku-vs-Buu sparring match, where Buu uses his plastic arm to ring-out Goku, which is pretty neat. Honestly, it's just such a shame that Buu doesn't actually get to show up in the Universal Survival Saga, and I'm just hoping this is another Gohan situation and this is just a little build-up to Buu being useful in the future. He then buggers off to meet adult!Dende and Mr. Popo on the Lookout.
This is also the first episode in this arc where we see the other universes, which is neat. It's a pretty intro-dumpy scene, where the other Kaioshins have a meeting, and Universe 7 ends up being the black sheep no one likes. Khai (U-11, the Pride Trooper one) is confident, Roh is still an asshole, Ea (U-3, he has glasses) is all 'oh brains are better' and Pell (U-2) is all 'muscles are better!' and... it's honestly pretty banal since none of the Kaioshins other than Gowasu (who we already know from the previous arc) and Ea have any distinctive designs, but it's still a neat scene to watch anyway. Far more interesting is the god of destruction meeting, called by Champa, for the simple reason that the gods of destruction are far easier to tell apart. Vados actually points out how the lower level universes only have a chance of survival thanks to Goku. You go, Vados. You're cool. Champa then decides to summon Cabba to find more Saiyans, and he basically needs to find five more people to fill up his squad of ten.

17 also shows off that he's as powerful to match Super Saiyan Blue Goku... and it's... a bit more believable than Krillin, I guess? The way it's presented is pretty blah, though, especially since Goku has fought Majin Buu, Beerus, Zamasu and Golden Freeza in-between the Cell arc and the present day, and we don't even get any real explanation about 17's power up beyond "I trained off-screen". Although he does show off that cool force-field ability. Also there's a slight bit of continuity error about how 17 remembered the Buu saga... wasn't there a wish made for that and everything? It's this pair of episodes that has the most padding back-and-forth with the cast waiting at Capsule Corporation, which drags my opinion down about this episode.
Oh, we also get an Uub reference, with Dende expositioning about Uub's birth to Goku. It's neat. I'm not a big fan of Uub, but it's a nice little callback to DBZ, and I definitely appreciate continuity.

This episode doesn't focus entirely on Piccolo and Gohan, whose training spans a couple of episodes. We've got Krillin and 18 sparring with adorable little Marron cheering them on (and the neighbours thinking this is domestic violence), more Yamcha hilarity, and more Beerus "hilarity". God, I love Beerus but he is a bit insufferable in these episodes, isn't he? Most importantly is that we get a follow-up on Cabba, who's off recruiting characters. We get this absolutely pointless scene of him going to some legless dude's house before being sent off to find his sister, Caulifla... who we won't really meet until the next episode.
Oh, and Vegeta changes Bra's diapers like it's some sort of super-awesome skill. Why is Vegeta so adorable?

In U6, Cabba meets up with Caulifla, who's... well, basically a punk gang leader (and could honestly be a protagonist of her own shonen series), and she doesn't think much of Cabba... but ends up being super-intrigued when Cabba tells her about the Super Saiyan ability.

You know what would be awesome, though? If Krillin and 17 didn't also force Goku to use Super Saiyan Blue. It's another symptom of the SSB being used way too much despite it supposedly being 'godlike' and super-powerful. Doesn't take away from the badassery of Gohan returning to his full glory, though.
We jump to Universe 10, Gowasu's universe, and the poor old man is just drinking tea without going "ZAMAHSS" every other scene. Rumsshi, the elephant god of destruction, shows up and... reveals that he has selected the 10 most powerful brute-strength people ever, and they're all protein-drinking muscleheads. I guess Universe 10 is the 'brawns' universe? Most of the non-U7, non-U6 universes do operate under a theme, and while it is somewhat unrealistic it is a neat shorthand for audiences. It also ends up being somewhat appropriate, isn't it, considering the whole point that Zamasu wanted to destroy mortals back in his arc being because he only sees brutish barbarians? No wonder he does that, apparently U-10 has nothing but brutish barbarians. (Also, the Angel in Universe 10, Cus, is an adorable excitable little girl!)
Episode 91: Montage episode! Thankfully it's not a clip-show, because clip-shows suck. It's framed by the Great Priest showing the two bored Zen'os (who are playing a jan-ken-pon game with head-whacking hammers) about what's going on. Universe 7's team is all assembled, with Vegeta training, and Gohan coming up a strategy with most of their members and the gods. Old Kai just remembers the 'Ultimate Potential' ritual now when there's only 4 hours left. Silly old man. Yamcha is still hoping for recruitment, but the one that shows up is Roshi, who borrows Pu'ar to help him train and eliminate his lecherousness. Oh, and Buu falls asleep, with Goku heading off to try and wake him up. Oh well.
We get to see all the universes... with Universe 9 (Trio De Dangers' universe) having a huge, huge trouble recruiting fighters, and apparently their universe being the lowest of the low ends up making sense. Word got out about the universal destruction, and the people are just randomly rioting, causing God of Destruction Sidra to eliminate an entire city of rioters out of disgust. Honestly, they're flat characters but I really feel bad for the frustrated Sidra and the nearly-crying Trio De Dangers.

Universe 2: It's the first we see of the universe, and where U-11 is a tokusentai/superhero-themed universe, Universe 2 is apparently a magical girl universe, with a twist -- Brianne de Chaetau, seemingly the ace of the universe, transforms into a gonk, fat lump called Ribrianne. It's pretty hilarious, and Toei is actually pretty experienced with the magical girl genre. I'm not someone who watches a lot of those, but I have on good authority that this is a very loving homage to the genre.
Episode 92: Yeah, Buu is asleep, and it's... it's very unfortunate. I'm not the biggest Buu fan out there, but he is an interesting character and all the buildup we've gotten throughout these last few episodes of Buu being a weird fighter is honestly pretty sad to not have any payoffs. Buu ends up hibernating for 2 months, something that Satan says has happened before, and attempts by Goku and Satan to wake up Buu ends up not happening. With only 3 hours left, everyone is panicking, and half of the U7 warriors is angry when they discover the whole 'universal destruction' thing that Goku keeps from them... but this argument ends up defused after a quick apology and a Beerus threat. It honestly makes me wonder why even bother with this plot point at all. Beerus' rage about why the Z-warriors destroyed the Freeza Force ends up having Goku go "OHHH YEAH FREEZA!" which, naturally, makes everyone go "buh-whaa?"
We get some more sights from other universes. We get Universe 11's superheroes doing their thing. Universe 3 and its robotic God of Destruction Mosco (whose beeps must be translated by his angel) and glasses McGee kaioshin Ea looking at a laboratory where they are 'modifying' robots, setting up these to be rivals to the Androids from Universe 7, with Nigrisshi being some sort of a cyborg, and super-weapon Narirama being apparently the most powerful modified robot. Universe 3, then, is our mixture of Gundam/Transformers/Chogokin genres.
Universe 6 is perhaps the most interesting and perhaps the most controversial, with Cabba demonstrating Super Saiyan to Caulifla. And as much as I am happy that we get a female Super Saiyan at long last, the way that Cabba teaches it to Caulifla ends up... being way, way too quick and felt particularly unearned especially compared to how Goku, Gohan, Future Trunks and Vegeta achieved their respective Super Saiyan forms. Cabba's "trauma" in the arena is already stretching it, and both kid Goten and Trunks didn't even earn their Super Saiyan forms, and honestly the only reason I don't rant about this more is because, well, maybe Universe 6 saiyans just have different genetics that the silly "focus ki on the back on my neck to make a tingly sensation!" explanation ends up giving Caulifla an easy way to become Super Saiyan. Oh, and Caulifla has a very shy and oh-so-precious apprentice called Kale, which really feels, at this point, like a pretty bland copy-paste of the anime moeblob character trope. Honestly I feel like it probably would've felt a lot better if Cabba's already trained Caulifla off-screen between the Universe 6 arc and this one? Eh.
Episode 93: Everyone, especially Vegeta, is highly opposed to Freeza joining the team, but both Goku and Whis note that they're severely outgunned, with Whis confirming that there is a mortal from another universe that can beat his universe's god of destruction... one that happened to be stronger than Beerus at that. (hint-hint-Jiren) Goku notes that they won't use the Dragon Balls to resurrect Freeza, but rather use the Fortuneteller Baba spell to bring Freeza back for 24 hours, the way that Goku did back in the Buu saga. Goku then buggers off to meet King Enma, to meet Freeza who had refused to repent. Freeza, still in that cocoon, gives Goku a condition -- to resurrect him, and even ends up stroking Goku's love for stronger enemies by noting how strong he can become. I did love how when Freeza acts all coy and tsundere Goku just goes "oh well, see ya!" Freeza ends up agreeing, and Goku returns to the mortal realm and off to Baba.

In Universe 4, the god of destruction Quitela (the rat god) has been sending a spy, a green-skinned humanoid Ganos, to spy on Universe 7, and finds out that Beerus is planning to resurrect the dead. It does seem that Universe 4's gimmick is treachery and underhandedness, which ends up giving all the newly-introduced universes a gimmick of sorts.
Episode 94-95: These last two episodes mostly deal with Freeza's resurrection, and people claim that it's an 'apology from Toei' for fucking up the Resurrection F saga so badly. And, well, judging from Freeza's glorious transformation, the amazing animation and the Latin-chant soundtrack, it's definitely a visual and audio delight.
But let's talk about the episode itself. Quitela manages to manipulate Universe 9's Sidra and that jackass Roh to sending assassins to end Freeza, highlighting Universe 9's brutish dumbness and Universe 4's deviousness, setting up these two as the universes you love-to-hate compared to how we're far more attached to 11's heroism and 6's established characters.

Goku and Baba bring Freeza back, and naturally the first thing the two rivals do is punch each other in the gut. Yeah, Freeza isn't going to be friendly the way that Vegeta, the androids or Piccolo are after their heel-face-turn. Freeza and Goku moth make it clear that they're still enemies, which is definitely appreciated. I don't think Freeza is the sort of character that can be redeemed the way that Goku's other buddies are, and he's way too iconic as a villain to be redeemed that way. Sidra's assassins show up, however, and surround them. And then Freeza transforms into the mighty Golden Freeza form, and we get some neat Goku/Freeza/random mook fights. I think this is the first blatant death in DBS, too? Working under different censorship laws than DBZ (you can notice this by how bloodless and near-deathless DBS has been) it's definitely a surprise, with Freeza callously finger-beaming everyone.

Apparently Sidra gives the leader of the assassins (an unnamed bulldog-man) a ball of his destruction energy, telling them to use it against Goku or Freeza, which is the same 'Hakai' skill that will completely obliterate the spirit and soul of anything in existence. However, he fails to sneak behind Freeza... and manages to land the ball of destruction. Freeza nearly gets annihilated (and I expect Beerus and Whis to arrive and bail him out) but he turns out to have surpassed that and has enough power to compress the ball of destruction down and escape it. Holy shit indeed.

And... and that's it for the recruitment episodes! It definitely ran for a bit longer than it should, with some episodes being pretty weak and unnecessary, and while I did grow to like Caulifla, Kale and Freeza's inclusion, the way they're handled in these string of episodes are definitely questionable. Still, the episodes themselves are definitely entertaining -- although I admit that part of it is because I watched a lot of these in a single sitting. I imagine waiting for multiple months for just buildup and constant cutaways to filler scenes of Beerus making shitty jokes or sitting through the rough three-week patch of the Android 17/Roshi/Tien episodes would be annoying... but as a whole? It's neat.
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