Saturday 13 January 2018

One Piece 891 Mini-Review: Bit Too Predictable, TBH

One Piece, Chapter 891: Believing in Me

I'm not up to doing longer reviews this week, so I'm going to machinegun these out.

One Piece 891 is... okay. The main plot is honestly just more of getting to where we've been built up, which is giving Big Mom the cake, which is nice but nothing particularly special. Big Mom having a gigantic Prometheus about to descend from the heavens and burminate the ground is cool, but the cake's coming and it's honestly a couple of months too late. There were some neat moments in-between there, and I suspect this chapter won't feel as bad in a tankobon,  but it's overall not too hype over there.

Luffy and Katakuri's fight takes up a decent chunk of the story. We get Stussy, who I completely forgot was even in the story at all, and she tells Baron Tamago and Mont D'or that the Tamatebako caused the explosion, but... why would they believe her? We get this long sequence to introduce yet another quirky-Big-Mom-child, Flambe, who's an excitable little sister fangirl with a weird giant jelly-bean body that's apparently wanting to shoot Luffy down with sniper rifles.

There's some punchy-punch between Katakuri and Luffy that honestly doesn't look particularly interesting or new, and the only real thing worth noting is that Luffy is starting to see into the future and expanding his observation Haki. Overall, not a particularly bad chapter, but definitely not one of the highlights of the saga.

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