There are definitely some weaker parts, of course, and it's not a perfect arc by any means -- but it's definitely fun as a serialized anime to watch. Overall, I think the second half may have far more tighter-knit episodes and mini-arcs between the fights with recurring antagonists Ribrianne, Kale, Caulifla and Jiren, which is really something I wish they did more in the first half. I still enjoyed both parts of the Universal Survival Saga for what they are, though.
It's a bit of a shame that apparently the show's going to take an indefinite hiatus in March or somewhen around then. I'll withhold judgment about Dragon Ball Super as a whole until we reach that point, but at the moment... I still definitely enjoy Super on its own merits. It's got a lot of flaws, but I found it still immensely enjoyable.
Episode 112: Okay, this episode does take a bit too much to establish that, yes, Goku is tired and drained of power, which is a bit irritating... but at the same time, considering how the previous episodes emphasized that Goku and Jiren's fight caused everyone to stop and watch, seeing the Universe 3 robots (whose colour scheme gave it away at this point that they're going to combine) hunt down Goku is actually somewhat sensible. The battle between Piccolo and Gohan against the U6 Namekians is pretty neat, showing off some classic Namekian moves like the mouth blahgrhgablhaghr laser vomit or the extending arms. Honestly, I'm actually a little sad that beyond the one U2 Yardrat and people from Universe 6, we don't get more alternate-universe versions of races we know.

The episode is a bit of a Cabba spotlight, as he gets the big fight in this episode. He's trying to protect Caulifla and Kale to give them time to recover after Kale's rampage earlier, putting Kale and Caulifla in the same boat as Goku. I am actually surprised -- pleasantly so -- that Cabba is actually treated with a degree of respect both by the writers and Caulifla. Sure, he's like the old toy to be shoved aside for the new, fancy Kale and her power-up form, but he gets some really badass moments here. He fights Monna of Universe 4, a bitch that can transform into a giant rolling bowling ball thing, and Cabba goes into Super Saiyan 2 during this fight. As much as it's irritating that Universe 6 Saiyans are unlocking higher power-ups without much provocation (come on, Monna isn't that powerful) it is pretty neat to see them grow as characters, honestly, and if they're stuck in Super Saiyan 1 they won't pose much of a threat to our U-7 guys. It's a bit tricky in balancing just how, exactly, they are going to develop these characters power level wise while still keeping it believable.
There's also a bit where Vegeta saves Cabba from being ringed out during Monna's first assault, and Vegeta reveals that he plans to use the super dragon balls to bring back Universe 6 after they get erased -- the first time someone has said this, actually, even though that was what I was thinking about all throughout the arc. Anyway, Cabba wins against Monna... but gets cheap-shotted by Freeza, who swoops in. Well, it's not so much a cheap-shot as overpowering Cabba with the golden form, and then machinegunning him with death beams and tosses him off the stage. I mean, got to do something to ensure that Freeza is still evil, right? And while he can't really go after our heroes in the rules of our tournament, he definitely can go after their loved ones from other universes.
There is an absolutely hilarious moment here too when Vegeta fights Toppo. Vegeta tells Toppo that he doesn't want to bother with the 'second-stringer', to which Toppo just calmly replies that Vegeta himself is a second-stringer. Oh, Prince, feel the Justice burn.
Episode 113: This episode picks up exactly when the previous one left, with Caulifla driving off the U3 combiner robot squad and challenging him to a fight, starting a three-parter fight between Goku against Caulifla and Kale, which... is perhaps a wee bit too long, but it is also one of the better fights in the arc, so I won't complain too much. Again, the master/student thing is highlighted with Caulifla asking to learn how to get to SS3, and I really do like how Goku is still established as top dog among the saiyans because he's so many levels beyond Caulifla and Kale, and that a combination of Goku's exhaustion and Kale's mysterious Legendary/Berserk Super Saiyan form being something that's a bit separated from the normal Super Saiyan ladder.

Kale's writing is a bit more problematic although I attribute that to my own personal loathing of moe-style characters, and at least she gets to grow in this fight. So much that transforming not out of rage or jealousy actually has her achieve a version of the berserk green Super Saiyan form where she doesn't lose her mind, allowing her to team up with Caulifla against Goku... and lands a punch... and then Goku goes Super Saiyan 3, absolutely overwhelming the two with the sheer power. Apparently fighting those two helped Goku to recover some stamina and... and I'm not quite sure how that works. Did the two just excite Goku (not in that way, get your head out of the gutter) enough?

This episode also contains a scene of Freeza just perched on a rock formation, and is challenged by

Can I just say how awesome using the Potaras are? It allows Caulifla and Kale to power up without unlocking SS3 or SSG or SSB and drive the fandom even crazier, it's a power-up that makes sense in context, and it also makes sense why Cabba was so willing to sacrifice himself.
Episode 115: And this episode picks up on that, and we have a rather long sequence of the other universes discussing the Potara earrings. The Zen'os, of course, think it's fine because it looks cool -- their reaction to anything that goes in the tournament, really. There's a funny moment when Shin notes that they could have the Androids fuse and call them "Android 35" which Krillin is instantly against (oh, Krillin), but Whis and Beerus decide against it because they don't want to ring out two fighters at once. Heles of U2 tries to use Potara... not on Ribrianne and Rozie, but on two of the few mooks those names we haven't gotten accustomed to -- Zarbuto and Rabanra. And they get caught in the crossfire between Goku and Kefla, destroying the Potara. Goku then goes Blue, while Kefla goes Super Saiyan, and the two exchange blows again until Goku achieves Ultra Instinct halfway through. Huh.
We get some extra fights here, but none that I think is super-important. Vegeta continues to fight Toppo, and the Gohan-Piccolo team is fighting the Namekians, with the confirmation that, hey, the U6 Namekians can still regenerate. Android 18 apparently has been recovering throughout all this because her leg was wounded (how? Who? Last we saw her, she was fighting the Pride Trooper squad, right?) and Katopesla was about to attack her, but 17 drives him off with a gut-blast.
Episode 116: As the final part of the Goku-vs-Kefla fight (and honestly, I do think that episodes 115 and 116 could've been combined) this is a pretty neat one. Kefla goes SS2, and everyone starts speculating about just how powerful this legendary fused version of Super Saiyan 2 is. Of course, all that power can't beat Goku if he dodges everything, and Vegeta even has a brief flashback to Whis's training about telling them to exactly do just that.
All this Ultra Instinct thing gets the attention of Jiren, and as Kefla unleashes a fuckton of exploding energy blasts... Goku does a very, very cool version of the kamehameha, sliding and skating on Kefla's blast with it before unleashing it point-blank to Kefla's face, defeating her and separating her into her two forms that ring out. That's actually a pretty badass takedown, and I'm a big fan of Kale and Caulifla as rivals and antagonists. At the end of this, there's a long -- perhaps too long -- sequence as everyone starts commenting on Ultra Instinct and what the fuck that is.

Episode 117: Gohan and Piccolo are still fighting the U6 Namekians, surprisingly the only members of Universe 6 left in the arena, outlasting Caulifla, Kale, Cabba and Hit, all the big 'aces' of that universe. Shame that Saonel and Pirina are interchangeable and don't actually have a personality to share between them. The one who has a personality is Katopesla, who MODO CHENJI's into a battle mode and fights Vegeta, who tries to stand still and take all of Katopesla's attacks in an attempt to unlock Ultra Instinct... before giving up in frustration and beating up Katopesla. That was funny, can't lie.
But this episode's focus character is Android 18, who hasn't been doing much after her team-up with Goku against the Pride Troopers, and this time around, she teams up with 17 against the two remaining members of the Kamikaze Fireballs, Ribrianne and Rozie. And... I can't lie, Ribrianne in particular is particularly obnoxious throughout the arc, repeating the same 'love amore mia aiiii' bullshit over and over again... and this episode deconstructs it fully.

And also pretty fun, perhaps in a direct commentary to how the writers feel about what constitutes a healthy relationship, Shin's rant about how 18 and Krillin's love transcends the universe and shit is cut short by a literally sharp look from 18 -- love is between two people, and you don't announce it out loud to the world like Ribrianne. So yeah, one of the worst villains in the show actually ends up delivering a pretty neatly poignant message.

And as the new Fireballs talk about how they are going to be arbiters of justice, in yet another fun scene, Androids 17 and 18 actually get sucked up to it and actually behaves like a typical villain (I mean, they were former villains) and goes "I am Android 18, the goddess your hero Ribrianne!" and it's just so hilarious to see the two androids talk like that. Goku just goes "I'm Goku", confused about all that's going on. The trio exchange some love blasts, before creating a 'Pretty Black Hole" that slams down upon Goku and the Androids, crushing them under the weight.

Meanwhile, Gohan goes up to Ultimate Gohan form and it's pretty cool, and Piccolo gets silently admonished by Nail and Kami inside his head -- it's silent, but the message is clear -- don't lose sight of your allies and your fight just because you're fighting other Namekians fighting for their people. Piccolo lands a Makankosappo to soften up the Namekians for Gohan's attack... and we get a pretty cool father-son Kamehameha as Goku blasts through the giant black heart with Super Saiyan Blue, and Gohan charges up his own, unleashing both kamehamehas at different enemies.
And the erasure of Universes 2 and 6 is actually perhaps one of the most poignant ones in the show. Whereas 9's erasure was shocking because it was early on, Universe 10 was more of a 'oh well' deal (locket aside), and so does 4 and 3 later on in this review. Universe 2 does a bombastic magical girl exit, with dialogue that essentially is "thanks for all your support and love" like credits. We get some neat mucking around with the U6 guys -- easily the most developed batch among these newest characters. Vados has snuck away to the Universe 7 stands, Cabba says a brief goodbye to Vegeta, Hit looks down at Goku, Caulifla chases around the Namekians playfully... and in a surprisingly tender moment, Champa, after shouting at Vados one last time (Vados actually bows to Champa in the background when U6 is erased, a nice, subtle show of how she really feels) just calls a calm, stoic Beerus and goes "hey, brother!" before making a tongue-face at him. I didn't talk a lot about it, but in the times when Kefla and the Namekians were in trouble, Whis has asked Beerus how he's feeling that his brother has been erased, and the silence in Beerus's expression and his quiet dialogue after Champa's death -- "say something" (is it directed to Champa or to himself?) -- is amazingly done. So yeah, this episode and the previous one are easily two more of my favourite episodes here.
Episode 119: Sadly, it's followed up with this one. The episode starts off pretty fun, with Katopesla engaging a very angry Vegeta (Cabba's dead, oh no) and goes through an intricate super final form, and using an attack he calls "KATOPESLA THE FINAL MISSION". Vegeta doesn't care for all this, unleashes his own Final Flash, and actually says 'that is how you do a FINAL technique, dumbass', which is actually hilarious. Actually, Katopesla doesn't get knocked over -- he stops himself, but suddenly something invisible hits him and rings him out.

Episode 120: I'm surprised Universe 3 lasted this long, to be honest, considering they just seem to be a jokey robot universe, and their supposed 'key' members that was built up prior to the tournament starts (Nigrishi and Narirama) were taken out pretty early on. Apparently they are playing things smart, keeping away from all the powerful warriors while they get tired out. But unable to win by numbers just yet, they decide to assault Universe 7. The Androids fight against Viara, who's a cool-designed robot... and overpower Viara because they have infinite energy, and just machinegun him with ki blasts. That's a bit hilariously underwhelming, actually. The trio of combining robots Koituskai, Panchia and Bollarator manage to gain an advantage over Goku and Vegeta by coordinating their attacks electronically... and then Gohan pops up, telling Goku and Vegeta to conserve their strength because the two of them need to take down Jiren.

Episode 121: Dr. Paparoni unveils the true, true secret weapon, and he himself, despite being an organic human (human-oid, anyway), merges with Koichiarator into Anilaza, a gigantic techno-organic monster that looks nothing like what Koichiarator or Paparoni looks like. It's actually pretty cool, to be honest, and perhaps a nod to Cell? People swear up and down that Anilaza is a combination of various Dragon Ball movie villains (the way that Kale is a 'version' of Broly). Not having seen many of the non-canon ones yet, I'll accept it and move on. It does look pretty impressive in that 'ooh giant rampaging monster' B-movie look. Anilaza swats a Big Bang Attack aside, and proves to be not just powerful, but strong. Gohan's orders for the three saiyans and two androids to each go for a limb and confuse Anilaza ends up in a failure because Anilaza can track them all with his weird ear-eyes, and then it shows off a very cool move of punching into space and having the distal end of his fists appear teleport through a portal and hit opponents from afar, which is hella cool.
Goku actually nearly gets ringed out, but Freeza kicks him back, which is hilarious. 18 almost gets eaten (and considering that she actually has been eaten by Cell in the past...) but Goku saves her. 17's force-field gets knocked off, but 18 saves him, although 18 gets ringed out instead and... I really want to be angry, but it's a neat exit, and 18 is the more wounded one out of the two, and she lasted way, way longer than I thought she would be, re-establishing herself as a badass. Plus, she took out a whole lot of enemies, and being taken out by Anilaza is way more dignity than what Tien, Krillin and Piccolo had to go through.

Episode 122: One of the flashier episodes visually, the animation is ramped up a lot here and I think Jiren's mere prominence, like, scares the animation staff to get them to give extra effort or something? We get a very cool little Mexican standoff thing between the remaining eight fighters, we get the Great Priest shrinking down the spectator spots into a more crowded mass, and then we fight! And, oh boy, what an amazing visual treat this episode was. I mean, the animation quality has been pretty great throughout the entire arc, but this episode in particular was amazing.
Toppo fights Gohan and 17, and we don't see much of them beyond some acknowledgement of strength, while Freeza fights Dyspo and it's probably the most hilarious one out of the bunch. Freeza acts all cocky and badass, blocking Dyspo's strike and speed with his tail... only for Dyspo to drag Freeza along, screaming, and slam him onto rock walls, and that's just an amazing bit. Did anyone expect Dyspo to last this long? Certainly not me -- I thought that from the buildup it was going to be Kahseral that was going to be one of the major players for the Pride Troopers, and that's some neat buildup for the rabbit.

Of course, this is the requisite, old-fashioned, DBZ-style "Vegeta jobs against the main villain of the arc" -- the only main villains Vegeta didn't do that to was Golden Freeza (where thanks to the storytelling didn't feel like a main villain) and Zamasu (it was an actual team effort). Vegeta's been jobbing for Freeza, Cell, Buu, Beerus and Hit, and now it's his turn against Jiren.

Vegeta gives a pretty badass speech about of course he is arrogant. He's a fucking Saiyan with Saiyan pride, and he charges and unleashes a pretty fucking awesome Final Flash, while ranting that he will carve his own way and "Kakarot can have his Ultra Instinct". I mean, Jiren pops out from the dust (although a shot briefly seems to show that Vegeta actually knocked Jiren on the ground) and unleashes his own ki blast against Vegeta. It's still a badass moment of the pride and fighting spirit that defines who Vegeta is as a character, though, and I really love this episode. The fact that it's real pretty also helps, too.
Episode 123: This episode keeps up a string of well-animated episodes, and thankfully Vegeta isn't out of the fight just yet. No, far from it -- Jiren acknowledges Vegeta enough to call him a 'warrior', acting all cool and shit, and Vegeta is just so insanely angry. And in a sequence that easily makes this entire fight a rank above the Goku-vs-Kefla fight or Goku-vs-Jiren, Round One, we actually get to see some tactics from Goku. From using Instant Transmission to plant ki landmines, to using the rubble to edge Jiren to the edge, and then using one of Krillin's tricks -- the six-part Kienzan deal where one of the discs flies around independently and cuts away Jiren's footing... yeah, it doesn't actually ring out Jiren, but it's very close and it was such a 'YEAAAH' moment for the little bald guy when he realized that Goku actually borrowed his little trick.

We also get one of the few times this arc that the action actually feels dynamic as we transition from the Jiren fight to Freeza fighting Dyspo (this isn't even my final form!) and 17 and Gohan fighting Toppo -- although we did get a bit of a cool "shoot us both out" moment from 17. I don't think this sort of neatness has been done as well as it could've been.
Anyway, nearly getting ringed out gets Jiren ticked off enough to actually, finally, finally get serious, jumping through rubble to get back into the ring, and then walking straight through the ki minefield, and then throwing a punch with enough force to scare Goku out of his Super Saiyan Blue form. "It's not a technique, it's just a regular punch!" Khai explains in a hilarious One Punch Man style reply. Is Jiren supposed to be a parody on Superman or Saitama? Huh. In any case, Vegeta gets a bit of a flashback to his promise to Cabba -- an actually emotional moment while I was watching this episode -- and then unleashes an amazing roar before entering a form of Super Saiyan Blue with sparkles and darker highlights. Vegeta's voice actor really put in a lot of effort for this one. Goku likewise goes on his own Kaioken/Blue form, and I definitely love that Vegeta gets his own version of a power-up as opposed to aping Goku (like Ultra Instinct or Kaioken) all the time. I don't think this form has an official title just yet, but Whis notes that Vegeta has broken through his 'shells' and has achieved a new form. The two lay down on Jiren together, and apparently their sheer uncoordination throws Jiren off, which is a hilarious little observation.
I'll be back later today or tomorrow after I catch episode 124. Overall, despite some problems, it's still honestly a very neat storyline and definitely feels like the definitive sequel to Dragon Ball Z, without the over-seriousness and the far-worse pacing problems that DBZ had.
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