So the last time we left off, Universe 7 finally has their ten strongest warriors: Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, Krillin, Roshi, Tien, Android 17, Android 18 and Freeza. And we've established the 'themes' of the other universes participating in the Tournament as well. 2 is the magical girl universe, 3 is the robot universe, 4 is sneaky and underhanded, we know of Universe 6, 9 is the werewolves, 10 is all muscleheads and 11 is the tokusentai Pride Troopers.
Again, despite theoretically being a tournament that features 80 warriors, the show makers know that, well, not all of these will be important, so they just tend to focus on a couple of 'ace' fighters in each universe, with the third, ninth and fourth universes in particular ending up being filled with, well, people we don't care that much about. It's neat, because there's only so much we can care about and keeping our interest focused on the cool dudes they build up like Hit, Jiren, Toppo, Cabba, Caulifla, Kale and Brianne is definitely to the show's benefit. Making it a free-for-all tournament also gives the arc a sense of chaotic feeling, and while in execution it sadly ends up being mostly a one-on-one most of the time, it does allow for more unexpected developments to happen without the strict structure of 'who advances into the next round' of a more proper tournament.
It's definitely overall a fast-paced arc that jumps from one character to the next and one fight to the next pretty well, and while we do have some moments of stare-downs and peanut gallery commenting, I feel like it's kept down to a relative minimum compared to how dragged out it can get in Dragon Ball Z. One big annoyance factor is the Zen'os, who keep just repeating the same "oh that's cool" "oh cool is that" bullshit over and over every other episode as padding. And actual padding, in fact, as they tend to take entire minutes to just pull out their God-Pad... although GodPad scenes are actually hilarious in concept and at least works well to help us recap.
One complaint I often see people say about this arc is that Goku and Vegeta doesn't go Super Saiyan Blue and finish people off, and while it's definitely irritating at points, the excuse of them saving their power because there is a fuckton of enemies is actually legit in my head, especially when Goku spends much of later episodes tired out from overusing his transformations. It's even addressed by Whis explaining this to Shin and Beerus multiple times in the first two or three episodes.
Also to note is that the animation is constantly well-done, sometimes seeping into 'holy fuck amazing' territory. Yeah, we're definitely put the days of the embarrassing animation of the two movie arcs behind us.
So, without further ado, let's begin. We're doing the episodic recap thing again.
Episode 96: Interestingly enough, this episode starts off with the Great Priest giving a tour to the representatives of the four universes exempt from the tournament (1, 5, 8 and 12), talking about how the stage is created out of Kachi-Katchin, a material featured all the way back in the Buu Saga. And then the Great Priest offers the gods of destruction of those universes to test out the durability of the stage (it gets fucked up, and will get fucked up many times throughout the arc). Geene, the monster from
Universe 7: our heroes finally meet Freeza... and the animosity is clear. Freeza doesn't try anything beyond mocking Vegeta for a bit, and it's clear from their brief talk that Gohan's strategy won't work at all with Vegeta, Goku and Freeza wanting to be independent fighters. There's a hilarious 'friendship circle' bit that turns out to just be trolling on Whis's part. We get some info-dump about how the arena prevents flying abilities (other than those with natural wings, as Universe 10's team includes a butterfly woman and a bird man). We get some interactions between various universes. Frost meets Freeza and apparently strikes a deal behind a pillar. Goku talks with Hit, and Vegeta talks with (well, snaps at) Cabba. Oh, and Roshi is apparently super-composed and calm against women after his training with poor Puar. Caulifla also interacts with Goku, and her cockiness (and inexperience?) is emphasized when the Universe 7 people are instantly on guard when the Pride Troopers show up. Goku greets Toppo, and Jiren shows off his strength by teleporting behind Goku and telling him to fuck off. There's a moment of "oh Jiren is awesome" as he effortlessly dodges the blocks that the gods of destruction are flinging around to fix the stage.
Jiren... Jiren is basically Hit in the Universe 6 arc, taken up to eleven. Silent, quiet, smoldering and intense, he's just so badass, guys, you can hear the show-writers scream in your face. Time will tell if he develops into a more interesting character the way Hit does, but at the moment -- and honestly up until very recent episodes -- Jiren does absolutely nothing for me. He's just a strong, emotionless dude for Goku to surpass. Anyway the episode ends with a brief roll call of each universe, and we can see that universe 6 rounds up its roster with a pair of Namekians, universe 2 has a Yardrat (the instant transmission race) and universe 4 is missing two fighters.
Also, this marks the final performance of Hiromi Tsuru, voice actress for Bulma ever since the first episode of Dragon Ball, and it's a huge, huge loss for the show. At least her character gets to be super-prominent in Super after being sidelined for nearly the entirety of Z.

There are some neat moments where the action focuses on a couple of characters, which is neat. The Gohan Squad bears down attackers from multiple universes, including familiar faces Lavender and Botamo, and the combination of Tien's Solar Flare, Krillin's Kienzan, Piccolo's Special Beam Cannon (it's really hard to spell Makankosappo properly), Roshi's Kamehameha and Gohan's random generic energy beams is pretty neat, even if they don't take anyone, Gohan notes that their plan is to hunker down and minimize losses. The other big action scene is
Basil gets a fair bit more screentime, because he ends up facing off against a butterfly girl Lilibeu (of U-10, the... muscle universe? Huh.), and uses his kicking hadoken attacks to ring her out. We get the establishment that those who are ringed-out aren't killed, but are teleported into the stands alongside their universal gods. Basil then fights U-10's sumo fighter Napapa (not Nappa!) but their fight ends up in a draw. Goku gets grabbed by Nink, an orc-like creature from U-10, and tries to suicide-attack by jumping off the ring with Goku... which... okay, that's the most stupid thing to do. Goku just powers up to Blue and knocks Nink off himself, but then Goku gets surrounded by multiple warriors led by the Trio de Dangers.
Definitely a neat little episode highlighting the chaos and showing off both the rules, new warriors and old warriors all at the same time.

Freeza, meanwhile, beats up U-10 sumo-dude Napapa, then proceeds to torture the weird bat-creature from U-9, Roselle. He can't kill them, but he's happy to just slowly shoot finger beams and torture them, causing Roselle to... jump off the stage in fright, ringing himself out. Really shouldn't have done that. I really, really enjoy Roh's hamminess as he introduces every single attack and aspect of his warriors, which Elder Kai calls dumb-sounding and overblown. Obviously Universe 9 is one we're supposed to root against, with Roh being particularly obnoxious and the whole 'sending assassins' thing a couple episodes back.
Goku and Vegeta make short work of Universe 9's dudes, with the simple act of powering up to Super Saiyan 1 knocking out dragon-man Chappil and the fish-man Comfrey (who I don't think we even saw fight), Vegeta knocking out Hop, Oregano and Hyssop in a cool sequence... and apparently rabbit girl Sorrel was knocked out off-screen by 18, something that even Roh lampshades as pathetic. The Trio de Dangers unleash a combined attack of Triangle Danger Beam, but Vegeta and Goku go Blue and unleash a Final Kamehameha, eliminating everyone from Universe 9... and, well, the erasure of Universe 9 is definitely dramatic and shocking, with some neat visuals as the screaming Roh and sobbing werewolf dudes are just erased out of existence, and the sudden stop in action is pretty well done.
Overall, Universe 9 ends up being a huge disappointment, especially when Bergamo for some reason doesn't use his energy-absorption and giant state abilities. Basil does show off some neat action scenes, and some of the other fighters show of neat one-note gimmicks... but its honestly no huge loss, and Universe 9 itself is pretty one-note itself (if you can't tell, I had to google up the wiki pages for Universe 9 to remember what everyone not within the Trio des Dangers is called), with only the jackass kaioshin Roh being the only one with any sort of personality. Again, even if it's obvious that the destroyed universes are likely to be wished back with the Super Dragon Balls, it's neat that the show doesn't shy away from showing the horror everyone feels in the destruction, and at least Goku and Vegeta gets some really nice battle scenes.
Episode 99: This episode spends its first fourth of its screentime just having everyone (there is a huge, long montage of everyone commenting about this) dumbstruck at the destruction of Universe 9, which hung on for a bit longer than it should. We get some confirmation from the deities present, like the kai of Universe 1, noting that this would've happened to all the low-level universes, to emphasize that no, stop complaining that Goku is evil, the Zen'o duo are the evil ones. We get a cool bit where Vegeta's attempt to attack Hit is blocked by Botamo (I really like the U6 team due to having spent time with them), and there's a neat bit of growth with Botamo apparently having practiced to not be thrown off the ring as easily as he did back during the Universe 6 tournament... so Vegeta ties up Botamo's arms, which is legitimately funny. Poor Boatmo's actually crying at this point and Magetta comes to the rescue with a pretty dynamic entry. Champa's yelling and backseat fighting is far more entertaining than the Zen'o's chirping, for sure. Also entertaining is Vegeta shouting insults, only for Botamo to jump on top of Magetta and cover his ears, calling this form "Bota Magetta". Man, I love these guys.

Of course, it's all going Krillin's way, right? He's got a long training arc, he's shown off some neat combination moves with 18 and even if he can't fight gods he can fight against the lesser opponents... oh, wait, he just gets knocked off by Frost sucker-punching him in the back. That's... that's pretty disappointing, actually. Like, yes, sure, Krillin gets a neat moment with 18 as a battle couple, which is sweet and badass, and he knocks out three people... but those are three people that aren't really any sort of established characters (and the U4 dudes are kind of jokes). Poor Krillin. Dude can't catch a break, can he?
And Cabba just one-shots two warriors near-effortlessly, which is amazing! One of them is called Murisam, yet another boring muscle-head fodder from U-10, but the other is Nigrisshi, who was sort of built up the leader of Universe 3, the robot universe, and not gonna lie, that's pretty badass. And also confirms that U-10 and U-3 are jobbers, because the wounded Narirama's desperate chest cannon gets nullified by Hit's time-skip and a cool little finger-flick.

Caulifla then tries to pull off a Cabba and asks Goku to teach them how to go Blue, and Goku's like "nah, step by step, man". A lot of the fandom apparently gave Caulifla flak for her arrogance, but honestly is it any different from how every Saiyan keeps getting power ups left and right during the Cell and Buu sagas? And besides, she doesn't actually reach Blue, with her only showing off the strong-but-slow hulking Super Saiyan that Trunks uses and gets batted around by Goku, who tells her to focus on Super Saiyans 2, and then 3. Caulifla and Goku continue to fight in their base Super Saiyan forms, and Kale... Kale is just a little moe who wants to help but can't transform and she's so sad... and the trigger to her berserking Broly-esque transformation isn't anger at any specific person, but more at the prospect of being ignored by her sister-figure Caulifla, who's having too much fun indulging her Saiyan fighting blood.

And, of course, Kale transforms into berserking green-haired mode (Super Saiyan Berserk, apparently it's called?) and goes all Hulk, rampaging without a care, even nearly knocking off Caulifla... who gets saved by Hit. Good man, Hit. Vegeta notes that Kale's transformation is the 'true form' of a Saiyan, a nod to Broly's status as the real Legendary Super Saiyan, it seems. At the moment of writing, I haven't watched the Broly movie, but this kinda reinforces the fact that pre-Battle-of-Gods movies aren't canon, but Super's going to make nods to them. Kale just rampages and pulls a Hulk against Super Saiyan Blue Goku (even doing a scene similar to Hulk whacking Loki around in Avengers) and her energy blasts completely fuck up the arena ring and turns it into this mass of rubbles and elevated platforms, ringing out Methiop and a member of the Pride Troopers, "Justice Whip" Vuon, before attacking even Caulifla in her rage.
Jiren, who has been spending the entire tournament standing still (which I get that they're saving him, but it's kinda dumb) finally reacts to one of his buddies being beaten up... and then Jiren shows up in front of Kale. Both Jiren and Kale are two of the most hyped-up new characters in this tournament... and... Jiren literally one-shots Kale. It's like one energy blast, and Kale's just thrown against the central pillar and knocked into unconsciousness, reverted back into base form. Hit and Caulifla escape with Kale, while Goku face off against Jiren.
Yeah, episode 100 seems to be very aware of its status as a milestone and I don't think it's a coincidence that it's pretty much an adrenaline rush as all these characters built up throughout the past couple dozen episodes clash against each other. It's a neat episode, where we get a setup of a potential rematch between Goku and Caulifla, we build up Kale and Jiren significantly... and, yeah, Universes 6 and 11, and maybe 2, are really the only big threats of the tournament, right? Everyone from 4 and 10 are just dropping off like flies. And I would honestly be quite okay with it if they aren't all just dumb muscleheads or one-note superpowers. Still, keeping the focus on a handful of characters is definitely a better way to go.
Kahseral attacks 17 with his JUSTICE sabers and JUSTICE bombers and it's just a standoff, while Goku and 18 fight Tupper and Zoiray. Tupper is this huge rock-man who is able to make himself super-heavy and tries to lock Goku until he gets ringed out through the bottom part of the stage, while the little imp creature Zoiray attacks with a JUSTICE spin (can I just say how much I love how everyone in the Pride Troopers uses JUSTICE in their attacks? So hammy) but 18 comes with all her pragmatic sass, keeps shooting Tupper in the back and forces him off Goku, and their attempted combo spinning attack is countered by 18, who knocks out Tupper.

Cocotte, the purple-skinned elf-lady, seals the rest of the Pride Troopers with Caulifla and Kale, so ensure that Goku and the androids can't interfere, and we get a cool little Hellzone Grenade attack from Kettol (green catfish-man). Kale tries to protect Caulifla, and finally powers up... but this time she can remain in control of herself to protect her big sister, and the two U6 Saiyans engage in a beam struggle with the four Pride Troopers, which the U6 guys win, ringing out Kahseral, Zoiray and Kettol. Definitely a bit surprised that Kahserol got ringed out so early, considering how the other episodes built him up a fair bit.
Cocotte seals herself in her own dimension and gloats... but 18 just calmly picks the entire dimension up and lobs her off the side, all with a deadpan expression. I can't lie, that's probably one of the most hilarious scenes in the entire series. Also, 18 may have graduated into my favourite secondary characters.
Meanwhile, intercut with all this, Roshi and Tienshinhan do a little combo to beat up
Episode 102: We get an admittedly helpful little recap by the Zen'os in this episode, and it's the Universe 2 episode. And... they're apparently horridly unpopular if internet reaction is anything to go by. Personally I think they're a neat little genre shout-out that just overstayed their welcome. And I certainly am not a fan for how absurdly long their transformation sequence is, with Brianne de Chateau and her two buddies Rozie and Kakunsa (together they are the Kamikaze Fireballs) announcing to everyone that they are warriors of love and about to power up, with the show using some ridiculously repetitive animation sequences of U2's god of destruction Heles stretching her arm forwards. And... everyone is just watching until Android 17 shoots the three mid-transformation, which is just hilarious. (More hilarious is the fact that apparently the likes of Vegeta, Frost and Freeza are actually okay with this)
And while you might point out the glaring discontinuity that Goku admonishes 17 for shooting people mid-powering-up since he beat up Recoome mid-powering-up in DBZ, it's honestly just Goku playing with the trope... and then Toppo runs in like a PSA announcement about how warrior poses cannot be interrupted and agrees with Goku in berating 17, who has this expression of 'jeez, I'm not dealing with this' throughout the entire thing. Now if we didn't actually go through the two-minute-long Sailor Moon ripoff power-up sequence from the beginning... yeah, if it was paced a bit better, it definitely wouldn't have grated that much. Ribrianne unleashes a 'love attack' that I don't think really succeeds in affecting anyone in the ring (even Roshi!) -- everyone in the stands is essentially affected, though.

The big battle in this episode ends up being between 17 (appropriately, since he's the one that stealth-attacked the Fireballs mid-power-up) and Kakunsa, who is like a feral catgirl thing, and Kakunsa unleashes a barrage of fast attacks on 17 and seemingly knocks 17 down, but apparently 17 is just distracted because he was reminded of his pets. Oh, 17. 17 pretends to be exhausted (the Androids' infinite engine meaning that they will never tire out is emphasized many times in this arc) before sucker-punching Kakunsa with the barrier, which is pretty cool. And spinning the force field around is a neat application, with Kakunsa being saved by the winged Vikal from a ring-out, netting us another funny parody of magical girl anime when they have an elaborate "oh my friend!" moment. 17 then gets serious and one-shots Vikal, and then continues to fight Kakunsa... and in one of the cooler moments that 17 has done (and 17 is just a cool dude) he uses the artificial sun as footing to unleash a blast mid-air to knock Kakunsa out. Pretty cool stuff.
Episode 103: This episode is a bit of a more unfocused one after the previous couple of episodes, continuing the Fireballs fight -- Ribrianne fights 17, Rozie fights Goku, both parties team up a bit and actually corner the Fireballs until the Yardrat Jimeze teleports them away. We get a badass fight between Gohan and Botamo, where Gohan uses the momentum of his strikes (that don't damage Botamo) to lift Botamo up into the air, rendering him unable to fight, before Gohan knocks Botamo out. Poor Botamo, taken before his time. I liked Botamo.
Meanwhile, Jimeze knocks out Jilcol (who haven't done anything) of U-10, while the final two warriors Obuni and Rubalt challenges Gohan and Piccolo. Throughout the entire arc, Rumsshi (the elephant god of destruction) is brutish and trash-talking, while poor, poor Gowasu seems somewhat resigned at this point, noting that at least they went down fighting. Apparently his guilt over Zamasu extends to guilt over the mismanagement of U-10? We get a cool bit where Piccolo unleashes his Hellzone Grenade onto the ogre-like Rubalt, with Rubalt even going "where are you aiming, fool?" similar to how the technique was used against 17 fought back in the Cell Saga. Obuni, this green-skinned dude with metal implants in his six-pack, is the last man standing in U-10, and he fights against Ultimate Gohan, fighting with some sort of weird ki-dispersion technique. It's a pretty neat scene, even if Obuni doesn't stand a chance (Gohan beat Lavender blinded and that's before Piccolo's training) it's still a very well-written scene of a last stand. Obuni gets eliminated by Kamehameha, and Universe 10 is the second universe to get erased. It's just a shame that U-10 doesn't actually have any warriors we root for up until literally the last minute, and only Gowasu's death has any sort of significance. Still, kudos to Rumsshi that even after a chunk of episodes of bluster and angry trunk-whacking of his minions, he actually accepts disintegration with calm dignity, unlike the screaming Roh.
We get to see Gohan look at Obuni's fallen family photo locket (aw, he's fighting for his family) and has a brief somber moment as the locket, too, is annihilated. Also while the angels of other universes don't get any significant scenes, cute little Cus actually cries at Universe 10's destruction, a stark contrast to the smirking Mojito of Universe 9.

Goku establishes something -- that God is faster but has less attacking force, and Blue hits hard but consumes a lot of energy. And we get a really cool bit where Goku tries and match Dyspo speed-for-speed, briefly turning Blue whenever he has to hit Dyspo. Kunshi lays a minefield trap with his strings, but of course Hit can unleash invisible flying punches. The two then trade enemies, with Hit pulling off a cool fake-out where he just randomly tenses his muscles throughout moving quickly, sometimes time-skipping and sometimes not, throwing Dyspo's reaction out of whack. Goku... Goku just goes Blue and charges straight through Kunshi's minefield, knocking him down. Hit throws Dyspo off, but Kunshi ends up rescuing Dyspo again, telling him to retreat while he holds off Goku and Hit... who knocks out Kunshi. So there are only three Pride Troopers remaining, but two of them are Toppo and Jiren, with Toppo noting that there's only survival or erasure now. Goku and Hit part ways on good terms, promising each other a rematch at the end of this.

Roshi's second opponent is another one from Universe 4, Dercori, a lady with huge fin-like fingers who fights with talismans (doesn't those count as weapons?). Roshi notes how he has been studying all the other fighters while moving unnoticed, and notes how the more straight-up brutes like Goku and Vegeta might have problems if faced with someone like Dercori, and quickly subdues her gigantic illusion with the Mafuuba! Oh hey, finally the move works! We also get the hilarious bit where Beerus and Quitela argues about the rules of Roshi using a bottle (thus bringing to mind the classic cat-and-mouse rivalry), before the Zen'os shut them down with a "it's cool, so it's allowed".

Goku, who has been trapped by the metallic liquid creature Majikayo, chooses now to go Blue and go next to Roshi, and actually cries. Have we ever seen Goku cry as an adult? I genuinely don't think so, he usually goes angry. Goku uses some ki CPR to revive Roshi, and I didn't buy that Roshi was going to die like this, but at the same time the execution of the scene was amazingly done, and a pretty heartfelt one. Roshi is told to rest and recover his strength, while Beerus shows a neat bit of being impressed, asking Krillin what the 'old man's' name is. Aww, Beerus.
Episode 106: Gohan and Piccolo fight U6's Doctor Rota, who is a pig and wants you to know why, exactly, he is called Doctor... and that's the whole joke. He can't ever explain his power, as he is taken out by a sniper. This whole episode is just dealing with the sniper, who is a combination of Hermila and Prum of Universe 2. Hermila is this beaked muscle creature with cannons on his forearms, and Prum is a discount Clayface that can refract energy beams and direct them through crystals that simultaneously spy and look for heat. The entire episode is just the U7 team figuring this out... and I won't lie, while it's a very interesting and neat for other non-ace characters to get a more elaborate power, I really wish the execution was done a bit better, like maybe Prum and Hermila could've actually used their power once or twice earlier on. Tien joins Piccolo and Gohan as they try to figure out how to take out Prum, abusing Piccolo's regeneration power to get them closer to the snipers.
Goku and Vegeta show up to help up, but their energy blasts are absorbed and reflected by Prum, causing the two to resort to lobbing giant rocks at Prum, which is pretty funny. This then leads to a pretty nonsensical knock-out of Tienshinhan, however, and a pretty bad showing for him. Krillin at least gets to take out three characters in an episode focusing on him. Here Tien splits himself up into four bodies, charges Hermila alone when all he needs to do is to team up with Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo and Gohan, then spends some time talking to Hermila, allowing Hermila to blast the ground and ring out Tien... and Tien's only contribution is to use his clones to tackle Hermila and knock him out too.
At least this episode has the punchline of Doctor Rota popping up to get vengeance at Prum, about to explain his powers... only for a very irate Vegeta to Galick Gun both of them. Yeah. Definitely a rather weak episode, I think.
Episode 107: Thankfully, it's followed up by this. The episode starts with a long recap, then Universe 3's Majikayo jumps up to attack Dyspo (under orders from the kai Ea to investigate Jiren's power). He makes the mistake of threatening to torture and cut off the bunny's ears, causing Jiren to do a badass walk to save his comrade, punching the air and instantly vaporizing Majikayo with the force, reducing him to his tiny nucleus form that gets knocked out.

Episode 108: And the cool quality is continued here. Goku is still fighting Ribrianne and it's not a particularly interesting fight, just an exchange of generic blasts and punches. Toppo is also fighting Cabba, which is a fight that sadly just takes place in the background. Gohan has a brief fight against Bollarator of Universe 3, a hilarious iron ball armed tiny crab-like robot, but manages to escape... but is instead hounded by the Yardrat Jimeze. Gohan is in trouble, as the Yardrat is too fast and hits all his blind spots... and Freeza comes in to the rescue, quickly dispatching Jimeze with ease (after a while of pretending to just "oops, I slipped, carry on with your fight"). Considering he's been training and aiming to defeat Goku, it does make sense that Freeza would have plans ready against Instant Transmission. That bit where "what amateur do you take me for? Of course I missed all of his vital organs!" is also darkly hilarious.
And, of course, everyone is second-guessing what Freeza is trying to do. Throughout the arc, Freeza has made some remarks about surpassing the gods, and Whis and Beerus realize that Freeza might just want to be the last man standing to get said wish... and the moment where he faces off against Gohan is pretty tense. And then Frost shows up... and then everyone realizes that Frost and Freeza have teamed up against Saiyans (much to Champa's delight). Frost insists that Freeza fight first, preparing a death ball just in case, and Freeza actually does, beating up Gohan. The two respectively power up to Ultimate Gohan and Golden Freeza forms, and Gohan seems to be knocked out by Freeza.
Freeza and Frost then have a twisted version of Goku and Caulifla's bonding moment, with Freeza showing off his muscled-up final form to Frost, who mimics it... and Frost is all excited to learn from Freeza... who then tells him that "the first lesson: don't trust anyone" before attacking Frost and knocking him out of the ring. It's an amazing bit where I honestly bought that Freeza would be a wild-card, but most amazingly... apparently he planned it together with Gohan without even communicating, pulling his punches, and Gohan just plays along with it. While Freeza's betrayal is expected, the execution of the double-cross and the triple-cross is definitely well done. Freeza oh-ho-ho's and tells Frost that he won't even dream up with teaming up with a mere amateur.
Frost tries to attack Freeza from the sidelines... and the two Zen'os note that this is against the rules and erases Frost out of existence, which is definitely unexpected. Yeah, great moment for sure, and as Freeza stalks away, I end up being fully in the camp of having Freeza around, for the simple fact that, by god, wild-card Freeza is entertaining, and you just have no idea who he's going to double-cross next and when he's going to do it.

Goku then pulls off a Spirit Bomb, and by god, the sudden orchestral remix of the opening theme, Limit Break X Survivor, is just so amazing in this scene and the sudden animation bump helps a lot. The Universe 7 dudes give Goku their energy, even Freeza... but Vegeta refuses to! Apparently this is so that he can protect Goku from that sneaky bastard Ribrianne who tries to get a cheap shot in. Jiren recognizes Goku's strength and notes that, yes, he will take this shot. "This is our Universe 7's Spirit Bomb!" Goku yells out, and it's a badass scene. For all the problems I have with Jiren, it's still a badass scene in execution, from the Spirit Bomb descending down upon Jiren, and Jiren pushing it back with one hand and it seemingly swallows up Goku.

And then Whis drops the bombshell that this is "Ultra Instinct" (Migatte no Gokui), which is just what Whis was training Goku and Vegeta to achieve all the way back in the Golden Freeza arc (and even the movie!) of moving and reacting without thinking, and apparently this is just such a huge, huge revelation that even the gods of destruction and supreme kais of other universes are shocked -- it's a state that even gods have trouble achieving. Whis posits that it's caused by the clash of energies between the Spirit Bomb and Goku's own power,
And Goku actually manages to land blows on Jiren... before the two clash fists once more, with Jiren unleashing his own Kaioken-esque power up. Goku's Ultra Instinct runs out, but he at least gave Jiren one hell of a fight. Jiren blasts Goku away... but then Hit swoops in, attacking Jiren. Jiren goes "what are you doing?" and Hit's answer is a simple "I'm working." Goku is spirited away by his allies... namely Freeza, who looms over Goku and notes how this brings back memories of Namek...

Of course, Goku losing to Jiren marks the halftime, but we get a fight between Jiren and Hit. And with Hit barely winning against Dyspo, Jiren has nearly no trouble with time-skip, easily reading through Hit's timeskip and breaking his parallel world technique.

However, Jiren, of course, uses sheer power to break through Hit's technique, and then Hit decides that he won't be able to hold out, and unleashes a final energy blast. Of course, Jiren is oh-so-badass and uses his glare once more to knock Hit back, knocking Hit out of the ring. It's a badass three-parter that really builds up Jiren as a character, and his interactions with Toppo and Belmod are perhaps the only things that keep me from writing out Jiren as a boring-invincible-antagonist. It seems that he might have some story behind him, leaving me to reserve judgment until the entire saga is over. There's no real interest behind Jiren beyond being an obstacle, and while I could go on and on, this review's gone on for long enough.
Jiren himself then goes into meditation, ostensibly because "I have beaten the only warriors that interest me", but I like to think that he's just regaining the strength he spent fighting Goku and Hit. We get a moment of actual d'aww-ness from the normally-assholish Champa, who actually congratulates Hit for his efforts. We get the robot Viara and the Kamen Rider knockoff Katopesla ambushing the meditating Jiren, but they are repelled by Jiren's aura. Goku, meanwhile, is completely spent and resolves to regain his strength, while the Great Priest notes that this is the halfway mark, and gives the arena a tint of green to signify this.
Overall, despite some notes on how the saga could've been better handled, it's actually reasonably entertaining, and I definitely approve of the way that the show focuses mostly on handfuls of characters, occasionally making some of them more interesting as episodic villains. It manages to not be overwhelmed by its own scale, which is a neat feat. Jiren, despite the problems that he face as an antagonist, is pretty decently handled in my opinion. Overall, it's definitely the most enjoyable saga of Dragon Ball Super, but, of course, this is merely the first half. Hopefully I won't take as long in reviewing the second half.
Half-time recap of the Tournament of power fighters:
- Universe 2: [Magical Girls] Ribrianne, Rozie,
Kakunsa,Jimizu, Zirloin, Zarbuto, Rabanra,Harmina,Prum,Vikal - Universe 3: [Robots]
Narirama,Nigrisshi, Katopesla, Viara, Bollarator, Koitsukai, Panchia, Dr. Paparoni,Majikayo,The Preecho - Universe 4: [Tricks]
Ganos, Monna, Shantza,Shosha,Majora,Cawey,Darkori,Nink, plus two unknown members - Universe 6:
Hit, Cabba, Caulifla, Kale,Frost,Botamo,Magetta, Saonel, Pirina,Dr. Rota - Universe 7: Son Goku, Vegeta, Son Gohan, Piccolo, Freeza, Android 17, Android 18,
Krillin,Master Roshi,Tien Shinhan - Universe 9: [Beasts] ELIMINATED
(Bergamo, Basil, Lavender, Hyssop, Oregano, Sorel, Roselle, Comfrey, Hop, Comfrey) - Universe 10: [Muscles] ELMINATED
(Murichim, Obuni, Rubalt, Jium, Napapa, Mechiop, Murisamu, Zircor, Jirasen, Lilibeu) - Universe 11: [Pride Troopers] Jiren, Toppo, Dyspo,
As the characters note, only the truly strong ones are left until here (even if Viara and Katopesla got jobbed against Jiren's aura), and yeah, out of the remaining characters, only three from Universe 2 (Zirloin, Zarbuto, Rabanra), the two U6 Namekians, and three characters from U3 (Koitsukai and Panchia who are obviously in a set with Bollarator, plus Dr. Paparoni), and the two dudes from U4 (Monna and Shantza) are not yet developed. Oh, and two mysterious members of U4 unseen until now. That's a far more manageable number to actually build up as characters since everyone else are established ones, and it leads to a far more exciting second half of the saga.
I get that what might perhaps feel super-enjoyable for me is simply because that I'm watching it in chunks of four or five episodes at a time, which makes it drag a bit less... but even then, comparing this to DBZ (I tried so hard to watch the Saiyan and Freeza saga. Tried.) it's really honestly not that bad, and the characters are handled reasonably well beyond the couple of missed ones I mentioned in the reviews (Tien and Krillin being the big glaring ones). It definitely could've been better, but Dragon Ball in all its incarnations has always tended to be of going from one fun moment to the next, and in that sense, and in delivering action and comedy, it definitely works pretty well.
I get that what might perhaps feel super-enjoyable for me is simply because that I'm watching it in chunks of four or five episodes at a time, which makes it drag a bit less... but even then, comparing this to DBZ (I tried so hard to watch the Saiyan and Freeza saga. Tried.) it's really honestly not that bad, and the characters are handled reasonably well beyond the couple of missed ones I mentioned in the reviews (Tien and Krillin being the big glaring ones). It definitely could've been better, but Dragon Ball in all its incarnations has always tended to be of going from one fun moment to the next, and in that sense, and in delivering action and comedy, it definitely works pretty well.
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