Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Season 2, Episode 3: Acts of Vengeance

A very angry Enchantress, at this point, who is pretty dang pissed that Zemo did the whole "tried to betray her" thing. And as this episode starts off, the Enchantress and the Exeuctioner (who now dual-wields shotguns!) are going around hunting down every single member of the Masters of Evil, straight-up killing them off one by one as she works her way up the ladder. Well, maybe not kill them outright -- still a cartoon meant for kids, after all -- but god damn if the scenes that showed the Enchantress doing horrible things to the villains aren't pretty final-looking until some character off-handedly notes that "yeah, they're still alive. In a sense."

The remaining Masters of Evil -- although at this point it's basically just Zemo, Abomination and Wonder Man -- end up asking the Avengers for protection. Iron Man is happy to build up a plan that involves using Zemo as bait to lure the Enchantress into some magic-nullifying device. Hulk is just happy to punch the Abomination in the face, leading to a fun background event while the big boys scheme and parley. There's actually a darkly hilarious bit at this point when Zemo reveals that he's left Crimson Dynamo to literally buy some time with his life to distract the Enchantress and Executioner. What's a team for, right? Iron Man and Hawkeye end up going off to some ice-covered wasteland to rescue Dynamo, and we get some of my favourite action scenes in this episode.

This ends up with Zemo to pull out his last resort -- the ninth Norn Stone, corresponding to Muspelheim, something that scares even the Enchantress. And while SkrullCap isn't quite happy to assist Zemo, the arrival of Iron Man, Hawkeye and Dynamo end up turning the tides in the good guys' favour. The Enchantress is subdued... but Zemo immediately orders the Masters of Evil to attack the Avengers. That is honestly kinda dumb, considering the Enchantress isn't fully subdued, but I guess Zemo's super-disappointed that Captain America has changed? Also there's the interesting bit where Crimson Dynamo doesn't actually betray Zemo even though Zemo basically left him to die.
The resulting firefight ends up freeing the Enchantress, and throughout the ensuing scuffle, we get the unexpected heroic sacrifice by Wonder Man, who straight-up blows up and seems to take out both the Norn Stone and the Enchantress with him. It's a final, heroic act by Wonder Man, and it's genuinely surprising for me to learn that Wonder Man actually dies in this episode and doesn't reform (in both meanings of the word) later in the series. Zemo, meanwhile, gets a brief acknowledgement with SkrullCap that he's not the man he once knew before being bopped in the head.

Great stuff in this episode, lots of great character moments, some of the most exciting fights I've seen in a while, and it even leads with introducing a bigger threat for the future! This does mark the end of the Masters of Evil as a group, though, as the second season moves towards bigger things in the Marvel universe, and while I'm glad for the rising stakes, I admit that I'll miss the fun competent-Team-Rocket-esque quality of the Masters of Evil.
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