Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 198: At Times One Must Stop And Analyze The Situation, It's Essential
(The hell, super-long title?)

Actually, can we talk about Manga for a while? The hell is up with that dude? His entire face is a manga panel. How does he eat? How does he see?
We get a brief bit of talk and friendly rivalry between Momo and Kendo, who apparently interned together at the same place, and Kendo's noted by other 1B members as their 'big sister', a position that is definitely comparable to Momo in 1A. Meanwhile, Tokoyami ends up finding a rival-slash-new-buddy in Kuroiro, and I'm pretty sure the manga is just making fun of edgy Sasuke-esque characters by having them basically just trade hilarious lines like "you, too, understand the majesty of the abyss".
The battle starts off with Tokoyami unleashing his dark shadow upon the 1B people, but apparently the power of Kuroiro is straight-up controlling anything coloured black, allowing him to take over dark shadow and use it to strike Tokoyami? It's definitely a fun little rivalry as far as quirks go, and it definitely sets up a pretty interesting fight between the two next week. Not a super-eventful chapter, but still a fun little tournament setting.
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