Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Season 2, Episode 12: Secret Invasion

That's Earth's darkest hour... almost.
Maria Hill has been sufficiently warned by Nick Fury to be paranoid, and survives because she's using an LMD in place of her real body. This allows the real Maria Hill to show up in Fury's base and attack Queen Veranke, who has Iron Man, Nick Fury and his officers at her mercy, driving Veranke away and performing some impromptu heart surgery on Iron Man's chest reactor.

Of course, backup arrives when the real Captain America and his allies show up, followed by Iron Man, who can use his device to revert all Skrulls back to their true forms, and we get an even more awesome action scene, with a very cathartic bit of Captain America laying down the beatdown on his Skrull Impostor. We get a cheesy monologue out of it, but a pretty appropriate one. The badassery really adds up considering the fact that SkrullCap uses Tony Stark's fancy hard-light shield, but the real Cap fights without even any weapon but his fists.
Most awesome, of course, is the fact that the skies are steadily darkening through all this, thunder fills the air, and the goddamn God of Thunder arrives to save the day. It does feel a little cheap, having Thor showing up causing the end of the Skrulls' air forces, but you can't deny that Thor's entrance is absolutely epic as he decries these silly invaders to even dare fight a god.
The rest of the episode is just an extended fight scene, but it really feels good as the Skrulls are taken down one by one by our heroes, after all the hurt and deception they've done throughout the season. The heroes win, the Skrulls are imprisoned... apologies are made... but some scars heal slower than others, and I do appreciate them recognizing this. Overall, it's a more action-oriented climax, really, than a character-oriented one, but it's still a pretty damn badass action-oriented climax regardless.
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