We've got the announcement of three nerfs to three cards... two of them, I saw coming, the third, not really! First up, let's get the obvious one out of the way -- Giggling Inventor, who's gotten a whopping two mana increase from 5 to 7, which is just... kind of ridiculous. Everyone noted that Giggling Inventor was easily going to be hit by the nerf-hammer, but raking up the cost to 7... really could've thrown Giggling Inventor a bit of a bone there, maybe make the Giggling body a 2/2 or 2/3? I dunno. In Wild, she's definitely not as bad as people make her out to be, what with there being a fair bit of five-mana/six-mana taunts for you to pick from. But I realize that she's easily one of the biggest offenders and cards that people complain about in Standard, so seeing her nerfed isn't a huge surprise.

The last one feels a bit overdue, even if Mana Wyrm itself isn't particularly oppressive at the moment. It's a simple increase from 1-mana to 2-mana... without any increase in stats. And I'd honestly argue that Mana Wyrm is still pretty strong even then. Definitely not an auto-include anymore in tempo decks, and it's been definitely defanged, but powerful one-drops has been one of the bigger problems in Hearthstone -- it's not as prominent in Wild where everyone has their own poison, but for a Classic card, the only real way to deal with Mana Wyrm is to either nerf or hall of fame it, and I guess they kinda wanted to open up design space a little.
Overall, definitely a great set of changes! Not much to say here. RIP Aviana, you were great, then mostly just annoying.
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