JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Stardust Crusaders, Episode 47: DIO's World, Pt. 3

Oh, and the ORA ORA/MUDA MUDA exchange is as gloriously hammy and amazingly animated as I had hoped. The episode also has a brief bit of flashback of Dio experimenting with the World, featuring a brief cameo appearance by Enya the Hag and Nukesaku, as well as flashbacks to Season 1. That was definitely well-appreciated.

Also I'm not sure just how Jotaro is flying around with a golden aura like Dio -- Dio displaying that power is something I'll buy, but Jotaro's never shown to be able to do so before and while the first couple of times might just be "he leaps really far", as the Jotaro/Dio battle goes on it's just straight-up flying around.
But there you go -- Jotaro's Star Platinum ends up apparently being able to at least allow Jotaro to perceive Dio and move his fingers while Dio is stopping time, albeit Jotaro can move very little while Dio can stop time for five seconds (the five seconds don't include talking, it seems). And Dio ends up being super-cautious, although he ends up thinking that Jotaro was trying to trick him by planting a magnet on Dio's clothes that'll cause Jotaro's arm to move if he gets close. Silly Dio, if gravity doesn't work while time is stopped, neither will magnetism!

It's another pretty fun, iconic scene, and even as Dio throws another blade into Jotaro's head... all of the blades apparently hit thick books that Jotaro's been keeping under his clothes, and plays dead. Polnareff suddenly jumps in, the final Crusader to not have fought against Dio, and, again, the chance that Polnareff straight-up gets murdered here is pretty high. Dio one-shots Polnareff pretty easily, but this forces Jotaro to try and get Dio's attention to save Polnareff, wiggling his fingers ever so slightly. I do like just how cautious Dio is in regards to Jotaro, especially once he knows that Jotaro is able to move within The World's stopped time.
In a pretty tense bit, Dio ends up trying to figure out if Jotaro is really dead or not -- and Jotaro uses Star Platinum to straight-up stop his heart from beating! It's really fortunate for Jotaro, by the way, that Dio actually announces just what he's going to do before doing. Dio taking control of a policeman and shooting Jotaro's leg is also a horrifyingly written scene (although really should've shot him in the chest, silly Dio), and Dio ends up wanting to slice Jotaro's head off with a goddamn road sign just to make sure he's dead.
And then Jotaro summons Star Platinum to crush Dio's skull! That was absolutely awesome. Jotaro attempts to kill Dio while Dio tries so valiantly to escape with his legs crushed and his skull broken... and manages to actually trick Jotaro to punching him so far away, while broken, in a certain direction... where Joseph Joestar's body was.
And as Dio drains Joseph's blood and kills him, he ends up being revitalized because, if we forget, he's still a goddamn vampire. Dio's "final" form means that he's fully integrated with Jonathan's body, and that also apparently means that he discards the orange jacket to show off those big, big Joestar-brand muscles.

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