As always, everything is after the break...

Silver Victini's all silver pleasant looking.

Not the biggest fan of Snivy and Servine, but they at least look different. Serperior is majestic as all hell, though, with that bright green working so well.

Tepig's kinda bleh, but I actually really like the bright baby blue highlights on Emboar, and the 3D model for the purple flames are great. Honestly, as much as I don't like Emboar's normal design, his shiny's pretty dang dope. Kinda wish that the 'feet' area are still orange, though.

Oshawott is m'eh, Dewott is pretty great, and Samurott is neat.

AUGH MY EYES. (Actually very appropriate and colourful for Watchog)

They're all pretty okay. The change of Herdier and Stoutland's coats from blue to silver is minimal, but very much striking.

Purrloin's pretty samey. Liepard is neat.

The grass and fire ones don't really look super different, although Pansear and Pansage look somewhat pleasant. The water ones both look pretty neat.

Golden Munna is cute. Musharna's m'eh.

Female Unfezant and Pidove's boring, Tranquil looks like puke, male Unfezant's mask just changed and that's boring.


Boldore and Gigalith's crystals are amazingly well-done and are strikingly blue. Roggenrola's eh.

Woobat's eh. As far as neon-green shinies go, I've seen worse. Swoobat's orange body is actually pretty neat.

Garishly neon, but neat.

Regular Audino is pleasant. Mega Audino's got absolutely no effort put in.

All pretty bland.

Golden Tympole is neat, and green Seismitoad looks very froggy, but look at the striking bright blue/bright yellow Palpitoad! That looks so happy.

Pretty bland. Throh in particular doesn't look different.

Leavanny's a little disappointing, but both Sewaddle and Swadloon look great.

Venipede's disappointing, but the brief change of rings in both Whirlepede and Scolipede ended in such gorgeous-looking creatures.

AAAAA GOLDEN COTTONEE! The cute little light-blue tufts on Whimsicott is cool too.

Petilil's barely different. Liligant's okay.


Sandile's okay, but his two evolutions are hilarious! I like them, how they're chocolate with golden stripes, and look at how hilariously beady Krookodile ends up becoming.

All underwhelming.

Actually a neat variation. The pink eyes are creepy.

Dwebble isn't that different, Crustle looks gross.

Scraggy looks the same. Scrafty looks neon as all hell, which is kinda appropriate, I guess? Maybe he fell into some of his own punk spraypaint.

Very festive. I approve. His wingtips look like candy canes.

Pretty ominous looking. Love the addition of purples, too.

Tirtouga's great. Carracosta just looks like a colour filter placed over the original design

Archen's neat. Archeops doesn't look much different.

Trubbish is okay, the actual colour of a garbage bag. Garbodor looks messy.

They're both pretty cool, with both Zorua's blue-flame deal and Zoroark's purple hair-tail all looking great.

You know what? I actually like these two. Pink Minccino and muted-gold Cincinno are very neat.

Barely different.

Very pleasant bubble babies.

Pink Ducklett's neat. Swanna's disappointing.

The biggest missed opportunity of the generation, with only the cones slightly changing colour. Where are my strawberry and chocolate ice creams, Game Freak?

Pretty bad. Barely noticeable.

Very washed-out.

Okay, I guess?

Master Ball fungi! These are pretty neat, actually.

Both forms of Frillish and Jellicent all look gloriously neon. I like that they didn't just swap out the male and female sprite colours, and actually give a relatively unique look. I think the glorious greens of the males look pretty pleasant-looking, and the female Frillish looks like a cherry-flavoured candy.


They changed the blues to black, and it's actually a very neat change. Could've done more, thoguh.

Ferroseed's honestly insanely bland, but Ferrothorn, on the other hand, is insanely wacky and colourful. Like, it's insanely garish, but it's neat.

Golden gears with green noses? They're neat, I suppose.

Disappointing, actually.

Not that much different, I think.

Litwick and Lampent are cool, but LOOK AT CHANDELURE! Look at those burning red flames and that eerie pink eyes! Look at my chandelier baby and how badass he looks in shiny form!

Fraxure looks silly, Axew is okay, but Haxorus? Jet-black Haxorus with red tipped blades? Haxorus looks like boss.

Cubchoo's... okay? Beartric's ugly.

Holy shit Cryogonal just got fifteen hundred times so much badass with those glowing red eyes and those glowing mustache-orbs.

Golden Shelmet and Accelgor are actually far more cooler than the fleshy Majin Buu pink they had before.

Hard to see on this sprite, but Stunfisk's got some neon blue on him and that's neat, I think.

Mienfoo's neat! Mienshao's... bland.

Not horrible, actually.

Very pleasant! The neon green markings and the darker secondary colours are neat.

Very neat, but I am sad that they didn't go for a black-and-white chess joke.




Heatmor's pretty damn cool, actually.


Kinda ugly, I won't lie. Not a big fan, though Hydreigon's purple offset the dark green neatly.

Muted yellow is nice on these two, and they're pleasant looking, but I really feel like they should've done more.

Terrakion's so neon it hurts, but I like it. Virizion's very pleasingly pink. Cobalion's... eh.

The genies are all disappointing, really, being too similar to their original forms. Therian Thundurus is okay, though.

These two are barely different, aren't they? Booo.

Genie Landorus is bland, tiger Landorus is okay.


Colourful. It's pretty neat, actually.

They just neon-bleach their hair. It's okay.

Pretty cool, actually, and the star of a movie, too. Next up, the final two generations!
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