Monday 9 February 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 113: All These Meliodas Lookalikes

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 113: Revelation

Apparently, in addition to the short Vegeta-looking dude who's apparently Meliodas' brother (apparently named Zeldoris, as this chapter reveals), there is another dude that looks like Meliodas, and it bears a gigantic resemblance to Meliodas' old wanted poster. We first see him here in Elizabeth's dream, and later on the Ten Commandments meet him. Which is quite odd indeed.

Whatever the case, though, we naturally don't learn much. After the dream sequence, Meliodas and Merlin arrive to where Diane and Gowther are fighting, but we do get to see them fight at least. The power levels get brought up again by Gowther, who notes that even when she's sealed in a human form, Diane is still pretty powerful. We see Diane dodging a shit-ton of arrows just by twirling around, Gowther does some crazy Quincy arrow things, Diane summons those two golems from the flashback she had (Fillet and Roast), apparently Gowther can mind-control rock men... pretty cool short sequence.

And we don't get to see what happens after Diane breaks through her own rock golems and clashes with Gowther, but apparently it shook Gowther out of his madness without any apparent ill effects to Diane... at least for the moment. The obvious (and tragic) thing would be for her to lose her memories of King, but I don't think that's going to be the case. Meliodas and Merlin arrive at the scene to find Diane mostly fine, but Guila and Zeal are out, whereas Gowther is just shivering in a corner. Gowther asks to be locked up where there are nowhere around before he disappears, and Meliodas decides to stop discussing what he was discussing with Merlin before (of fucking course) and deal with Gowther for the moment.

Which is still awesome, because I like Gowther. That was a nice, short fight. I wanted to see more, but sometimes it's nice not to drag these fight scenes out for five chapters or something.

We cut to the Ten Commandments, who arrive near... a big splurge which apparently used to be a castle. Initially I thought this was Danathor or whatever kingdom it was that Meliodas destroyed, but it isn't exactly confirmed. 'Taking it from the ass' girl talks about how it's extremely cryptic, and the bearded dude confirms that the castle which stood for 3000 years had suddenly been splurged. Shadow-Arm Girl and Crazy-Armour Dude notes a gigantic explosion of magic and finds a big hole similar to what Meliodas did before. Ball-of-Creepy-Masks and Tentacle-Blanket-Girl notes how deep it is and stuff. Zeldoris notes this is likely Meliodas' doing, and asks his brother, Estarossa... who is the poster-Meliodas dude, and also has the demon symbol above his eye.

Again, pretty good stuff. Nanatsu no Taizai has been quite awesome for the past few chapters and I'm certainly extremely excited about it.

(Will do TV show reviews tomorrow if I have the time)

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