Friday 27 February 2015

Toriko 314 Review: Fusion PAWNCH

Toriko, Chapter 314: Saru We Dance?

A bit of exploration on both fronts with Kaka and the Four Kings. A fair amount happens on the latter part, but the first half of the chapter focuses on Kaka. We see her... him? It? Eh. I've been calling Kaka 'her' for a while, but I guess we don't have a confirmed gender. And it does look like a horrific monstrous animal. We see it react to Komatsu being a poison doll and basically acknowledges that the penguin, MIA for a while, might have hidden the real Komatsu. Before it can react, though, Denshark's autonomy mode ended and it just falls down a deep hole as the 100K gravity pulls it down. Kaka seems to be crushed for a bit... before it apparently rips Denshark apart as it returns to the surface. Kaka wants to get to Toriko and company, but the three animals block its way and it basically threatens to eat them with a horrendous nightmare face.

We then cut back to more silly faces with Bambina and the Four Kings, and it's just funny to see some of the goofy faces that fucking Zebra makes while they go through the motions of the monkey dance. There's a little speech about how Enbu and the cells can be cumulative between the four of them and they realized it when Coco and Sani were juggling pillbugs together. And Pair starts to mature and the Appetite Demons are calm and whatnot as they go through the dance. And all they had to do is the last movement and plan to just go with whatever Bambina decides to go...

And there's a tense standoff as Bambina doesn't do anything after pulling off a silly pose, before pulling out yet another nightmare face as it apparently goes rabid. It's mouth is rather gigantic and it attacks, apparently embedding its head straight into the floor which is a hilarious image of his gigantic, muscular neck extending out from his shoulders.

The Four Kings decide to not dance and fight, so Zebra first unleashes a 'Bakuhankyou Voice', some kind of big explosive voice that disorients Bambina (but doesn't break Sani's hair net). And while they're stunned, the Four Kings bring their arms together as their cells kind of react, and their arms kind of merge together like some kind of plasticine, and the four of them basically have their upper arms connected to this giant gestalt of a fist, and they punch it straight into Bambina as 'Enbu: Shitenhou Seiken'.

And Bambina is definitely hurt, reacting with wide eyes before spitting out blood. Will it take him out, or make Pair ready, however, is an entirely different matter. And there's Kaka to contend with. Looking forward to the next one, certainly.

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