Friday 13 February 2015

Toriko 312 Review: Weird Shadow Backway Business

Toriko Chapter 312: What Do You Want To Eat?

It's kind of like the Bleach chapter, except a bit more interesting because the plot is progressed a fair amount more and more things happen. Like the Bleach chapter, this big event, which is Bambina being reduced into this horrifying true form, resonates all over the world and everyone feels it. Which I think is yet in another series of ridiculously overhyping Bambina's, well, Bambina-ness. I'm honestly starting to get a bit tired of it. And taking three pages just to show everyone suddenly scrambling for their favourite foods is just a bit too much. Granted this kind of overblown ridiculousness is right up Toriko's alley, but there's just a bit of a limit on the suspension of disbelief.

Cutting the satellite and the asteroid in space by whipping his tail, though? That one was awesome.

Bambina's true form is gross, too. He's apparently got these sugar glider wings running down his arms to his legs? And is he all wrinkly to resemble a goddamned scrotum? Ew. Am definitely not digging Bambina's upgrade. It looks freaking disgusting.

Anyway, there's a bit that explains how when the Four Kings' appetite demons materialized in response to Bambina's true form and the whole 'I want to eat my favourite food' aura, it causes their Enbu to go out of whack and causes the ten thousand gravity to take effect, which allowed them to dodge Bambina's attack. Which is kind of cool. And a good chunk of the chapter is just explaining that.

The last one third shows Kaka with creepy black eyes walking past the three animal companions without them noticing, and apparently the weird black scene last chapter after Toriko grabbed Bambina's balls and there's this heart floating in the darkness... it's apparently supposed to symbolize this mysterious Backway shadow channel thing that Teppei used to tear the heart out in the first place? And Kaka can use it to... do possibly-evil things to Komatsu? Who randomly wakes up, possibly because of the taste of the food? I dunno. Next chapter needs to explain some stuff.

Damn monkey's balls can do some really weird things, is all I'm saying. Overall still a decent chapter which is kind of offset by just how terrifying some of the monster-face eyes are drawn (Kaka and Bambina in particular) and just how disturbed I am by Bambina the scrotum monkey.

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