Tuesday 24 February 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 115 Review: Meliodas' Sacred Weapon

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 115: Once More Into the Nightmare

We finally see the big earth giant monster thing in full view, and Merlin confirms that it isn't a member of the giant tribe or anything, but rather a golem, specifically the Giant Beast Albion. It's this cool-looking hulking brute that would look at home as a dungeon boss in a video game, and it's got these weird star-shaped eyes. Merlin and Meliodas note that the golem is a weapon since there are multiple magical presences within it but not a sign of life. They note that Albion was resurrected alongside the Ten Commandments... no word if it's automatic, or if the Ten Commandments made a little pitstop after their awakening before heading to Edinburgh, though. 

Hawk freaks out and goes all 'IT'S OVER 5500!' all Vegeta-style when he realizes that this Albion's power is loads more than Meliodas and even Merlin. Albion attacks them in response to their power levels, but Merlin pulls out several tricks. Basically steering Mama-Hawk around like a little plane, and summoning a self-admittedly weak barrier to protect Camelot for two or three hits. 

Albion attacks with this ball of fire, and while the Knights of Camelot manage to repel it with their generic blasty powers, they can't repel a second one, and only Merlin teleporting Meliodas down and him using Full Counter was able to launch it back at Albion. Not that it apparently did much to him, mind. Arthur doesn't really get to do much in this chapter, just being your generic 'good boss' who cares about his subordinates and puts his life after them and yadda yadda yadda... really not feeling Arthur. He seems too squeaky-clean of a character and therefore a boring one. 

Meliodas, Arthur and a bunch of holy knights run up Albion's arm, but he just slams his other hand down and apparently killed most, if not all of the nameless holy knights. Meliodas saves Arthur from being trapped in-between Albion's fingers, but in the process this broke Liz's little dagger gift. Which is honestly a bit expected since Meliodas is going to fight with his Sacred Treasure anyway further on in the series... even if I expected it to be done in a more cliched yet dramatic way.

Meliodas just goes 'oops, them's the breaks', thanks the dagger before bunny-hopping away from Albion's next punch. 

Merlin goes all vague about not returning 'that', but will return 'this'. Damn you crazy woman, speak with proper nouns! Merlin apparently had tracked down Meliodas' Sacred Treasure from whatever pawn shop he sold it to and hung on to it... well, you crazy woman, why didn't you give it to him before this? Merlin is just such a weird character all around. The final page shows Meliodas holding his cool-looking curved dagger, Lostvayne, which has a bunch of holes running down its length.

And that's the end of the chapter, which make me grit my teeth in anticipation. Damn cliffhangers! Overall it's a rather good chapter with movement on the Camelot plot thread front, and an unexpected addition in the form of Meliodas finally getting back his Sacred Treasure. Who's going to expect that to happen now of all times? But Meliodas has his Sacred Treasure back, making nearly everyone bar Ban reunited with their respective Sacred Treasures.

Yeah, with Merlin and Threader not even doing anything yet but watching, and Diane not even assuming her original giant size yet (she's still shrunk on Mamahawk's back) I don't think Albion's going to pose much of a threat, IT'S OVER 5500 or not. But still, it's a nice little intermission to see Camelot and Arthur, showing what the Ten Commandments are up to, and the unexpected introduction of Meliodas' Sacred Treasure.

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