Tuesday 30 August 2016

Fairy Tail 499 Review: Seppuku

Fairy Tail, Chapter 499: Gray & Juvia

Well that would be pretty climactic if anyone with half a brain believes that Juvia is actually, y'know, dead. It's actually a well-written chapter other than the bit of eyeball-roll-inducing moment where they take forever to die. Both Gray and Juvia commit suicide at the same time, and the chain breaks as they both 'die' with blood pooling under their bodies... and then Juvia sends her blood into Gray to make him live. And now Gray's like in full Punisher mode.

Oh, and apparently despite being the big bad guy Zeref doesn't even have countermeasures in place for Natsu? Though honestly, the more we learn about Zeref the less impressive he becomes, to be honest. He just feels like a particularly emo kid. And Invel, despite being the smart guy, hasn't even started to do anything to attempt to defeat Natsu? Man, the Spriggan are idiots.

Hopefully Juvia actually dies. She's one of the few main characters that I actually like, and her death being well-written like this would actually mean something instead of just going 'gray sama [insert bdsm joke] [insert unrequited love joke]' literally in every appearance. But it's Fairy Tail. So Juvia will be back next chapter or the one after that. 

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