Wednesday 3 August 2016

Nanatsu no Taizai 186 Review: Goddess

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 186: The Battle For Liones

Because Escanor wasn't badass enough, him punching Estarossa caught Zeldoris in its wake. Highly doubtful that either one of them are killed or done for, even with Derierre talking about how their magic power is gone and whatever, but man, Escanor. You don't fuck with that guy. Estarossa looks preeeeetty hateful in that one panel where he screams Escanor's name. Escanor's exhausted, though, even if it's him having difficulty in controlling his power. Nope, not because he's wounded. Because he can't control his power.

Derriere and Monspiet discuss things a little, and they decide to, hey, let's just focus on our objective, which is to take down the castle. There's a bit of an argument between Gilthunder and Hauser about whether they should retreat or stay and fight, but, y'know, Estarossa's command apparently still applies to them and they can still protect people by serving as meat shields even if they can't fight. How long does that effect last, I wonder?

A bunch of random holy knights show up and start stabbing people and be dirty little traitors, and with Derriere and Mosnpiet arriving... they are faced with Denzel and Deathpierce, who were hiding elsewhere and weren't affected by Estarrossa's commandment. Denzel tells everyone to beat it, and decides to activate 'that'... which is his sword. He cuts his own arm and does a bit of a summoning ritual (it's dumb that the demons don't try to kill him while he's doing this) which summons a angelic lady that's apparently a goddess. Who has boobs larger than her head, I think. It's the first actual member of the goddess clan we've seen in the manga, and, well, apparently Denzel using this move will mean his death because he's channeling the goddess' energy or something. Derriere wants to fight Denzel alone, though, so, yeah. It's no E-vs-E, but D-vs-D is cool too. 


  1. Well, about the commandment length... I think the Demon King noted when talking to Meliodas that the effects of a Commandment's power were for life - they only end when either the person hit with it dies or the demon who casts it dies (which bodes ill for Merlin since Galen's been petrified by his own Commandment and therefore IDK if he can be killed like that... unless she somehow found out how to dispel it during the timeskip).

    So if Gill and the others are still under Estarossa's Commandment, that's basically proof Estarossa's still alive. At the very least, the group of knights attacking Gil and the others were put under Zeldoris' Commandment of Piety (if any turn their backs on him, they become enslaved to him) , so still being under that power means *he's* obviously still alive even if Estarossa somehow isn't.

    1. Huh, Estarossa's commandment just made a good chunk of the B-listers basically useless until he dies (which I highly doubt). Unless his commandment is specifically can't raise a sword against Estarossa himself?

      Granted, though, the sins' commandments can apparently still be subverted because Zaratros is awesome enough to stay alive when presumably Elaine and all the others returned to the afterlife when Merascylla died. Or Zaratros is lying to us about how he returned to life.

      (By the way, I didn't really freak out that much about it because ESTAROSSA, but Zeldoris' commandment, holy shit, man, that's an awesome one too that basically disables a lot of Liones' forces)

    2. Maybe. That might explain why the other demons weren't affected by Estarossa's Commandment during their group fight with Meliodas, cause there was definitely hate present in that battle. Granted, Gil's group seem to act like it keeps them from fighting period, but they might also just be assuming the power has that broad an effect(?)

      Well, if death on either end is what signals the end of the Commandment, maybe being technically undead or the like makes it possible to subvert? Plus, last I knew, Merascylla's resurrecting people wasn't her Commandment - it was actually demon magic. Her Commandment was Faith, which inflicts punishment (setting one's eyes ablaze, I think - which is pretty tame compared to the others) on any who lose or betray either theirs or someone else's faith in anything while in her presence, be it faith in a person or a cause or a religion. So because Merascylla's resurrection of people was done with a spell instead of a Commandment, maybe that means it's easier to bypass or override(?) - just guessing at this point, though.

      (well, he's not Estarossa and Meliodas' brother for nothing ^_^)

    3. Yeah, that explanation of 'only negates attacks to Estarossa' makes Estarossa still powerful but not overtly stupid-powerful. Or maybe it's like video games and Estarossa's power just acts as an aura against attacks meant for him and his allies?

      That explanation of Merascylla's ability being a spell makes sense, I guess? She's dead so I don't think we'll get a proper explanation any time soon. Which is a bit of a shame because I kinda liked Merascylla's weird shadow arm things.
