Saturday 13 May 2017

Boku no Hero Academia 137 Mini-Review: Resolution

My Hero Academia, Chapter 137: Head Them Off!

Not really much to say about this chapter, to be honest -- it's more of a buildup chapter, and it's one that probably works well as a middle-part in between the buildup to the inevitable confrontation between the Cleansers and Nighteye's superhero squad, but as a standalone it's a bit underwhelming. It is a pretty needed chapter, though, since it explores some of the things that other previous chapters didn't do so quite yet. There are some that really could stand to be less repeated, but we've got Nighteye finding out the Cleanser buying toys for Eri (showing just how potent saving up his foresight powers can be), we've got some angst moments from Midoriya and the intern squad, some nice Iida moments...

But otherwise, yeah, it's a bit slow. Basically, the tl;dr version is the students have a brief resolve despite being relatively outgunned by the adult pro heroes, while the investigation gets a lead on Overhaul's base.

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