Saturday 20 May 2017

Fairy Tail 536 Commentary: BEST ENDING EVER

Fairy Tail, Chapter 536: The Flame of the Dragon's Roar

Holy shit, that was actually quite fun -- if it was the actual finale and we don't have ten more chapters to go, according to the cover page. Which, by the way, recruiting the Oracion Seis into the Crime Sorcerers ended up being absolutely pointless, wasn't it?

No, I'm not talking about Natsu punching Zeref with a fire punch. That was as interesting as watching paint dry, especially when you have absolutely insipid lines like "my magic is setting time on fire!"

I'm also not going to touch just how in the hell did Annabella or whoever the Heartfilia senior (May Sue is her name from now on because I legit don't care) is called was managed to get the ship flying after it ran out of magic, beyond main character bullshit powers, but Ichiya turns out to be still on the ship. Mary falls down on her ass because she's a piece of shit and not even the writer is going to let her have the victory, so it's Ichiya that drives the ship, telling Mary Sue that, shit, you're a shitty character and you should have never existed. I mean, he tells her some nice, gentlemanly thing about perfumes and shit, because Ichiya is such a gentleman that a shitstain like Mary Sue doesn't even get him riled up.

Ichiya then proceeds to show Acnologia what a sorry piece of shit excuse of an apocalypse dragon he is (he can't even kill a magic-less Jellal even though he's a ten-ton dragon clenching Jellal in his hand). Ichiya does what Jellal couldn't, smashes Acnologia into the time rift, ripping Acnologia's body up and explodes. If only they didn't have ten more chapters left, it would actually be such an amazing moment for the manga for actually daring to use one of its few likabe characters left to end this sorry excuse of a world-ending villain.

And, yeah, some bullshit about Natsu and Zeref that probably was epic for someone below the age of seven. Blah blah flames of the guild, one-punch fire punch, Mavis reaction shot... I would commentate more, but that would mean actually reading the dialogue Natsu spouts, and I value my brain cells. Zeref has fallen, Acnolgia is apparently dead, Mary Sue has been blown up, and all of it thanks to the greatest and only interesting character in Fairy Tail, Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki.

Great job, Ichiya. If the manga ended like this it would actually somewhat salvage the bullshit we've been put through for the past two years. He just absolutely bitch-slaps Acnologia without much of an effort. No friendship speeches at all, either -- his "Jellal, you're young and loved, live for the sake of your loved ones" speech is such a breath of fresh air compared to all the regurgitated bullshit Natsu is spouting. 

Unfortunately with ten more chapters to go we'll have another -sigh- "epic" confrontation where Natsu punches a reborn Acnologia with a fiery fist. Because that is so fucking interesting.

Oh well, ten more chapters until this trainwreck is done, and throughout this entire final battle, at least we've got one chapter that utterly entertains me.

Regular, rapid-fire content resume next week.


  1. I just love that zeref , who is supposed be some sort of ancient sage for magic , is not capable of doing something else that a magic-powered punch. it make also his pairing with "best strategist ever" funny as hell ( all that talk of them being incredible and seeing continually that they suck massively just make me laugh) .

    and yeah , black chicken is obviously not dead and i can believe people that think otherwise ( like all the reddit).even if it will be ultra boring shit .

    1. Well, considering they haven't undone Makrov's death... I actually do think it might be the opposite; Mashima may very well have made Acnologia's death that anticlimactic. The "real battle"s probably going to have something to do with Lucy's "demon corruption" or some other cheesecake twist.

    2. Well, Zeref IS Natsu's brother. Of course all he can do is a punch.

      "Best strategist ever" is a gigantic idiot, though, if her performance in this arc is any indication.

      I dunno, though. Makarov's death seems like it's going to be saved for a near-final "oh my god, we finally beat Acnologia, Zeref and Lucy's demon corrupted boobies, now resurrecting Makarov is our reward!" thing.

    3. Last time that happened though, Zeref reformed his body. Why the hell didn't that happen this time? Normally the complaints on the magic side of things are explainable (though contrived) at the very least handwavable, but this is anything but.

      And as for rewards... well, Tokyo Ghoul, the chapter was literally just Kaneka and Touka banging, and yet those 14+ pages of literal screwing around that was more fulfilling to see, felt more like a reward (or at least a brief respite before shit goes down again), and gave more closure/development to a character's than Fairy Tail's goddamn final conclusion does. And it's not even that Tokyo Ghoul is a perfect manga - it's just that FT is so flawed that almost anything else looks like a masterpiece of human interaction by comparison.

    4. Tokyo Ghoul actually has their characters develop and have actual emotional problems that can truly be analyzed, though. Fairy Tail had... some... attempts to do it early on when it was a decent manga, but here every single character is identikit, have zero to no motivation, are one-time joke characters, or are still slogging the same one-note personality from when they were introduced 400 chapters ago. Honestly, comparing it to Tokyo Ghoul isn't even fair, but even more simple mangas (and simplicity isn't a bad thing at all!) like Dragon Ball or Toriko can have character arcs and character development, and half of their cast are simple joke characters.

    5. Agree with you there. Hell, even the anime-adaptors of FT seems to care more about the story than the damn manga-writer himself does... to the point that entire subplots and character-backgrounds are only exposited upon in them - and even than, it's often stupid :P

      For example, in the new FT movie "Dragon Cry", more of Acnologia's backstory is revealed - and it's basically something lifted straight from Shingeki No Kyojin. Specifically, someone Acnologia cared about - a girl named Sonya whom - was killed by dragons during their civil war, which he watched happen right in front of him. As a result, he, like the cheep knock-off of Eren Yeager he now is (at least in his past self), swears "exterminate them - every last one!" Like Eren, he ends up gaining their own power to use against them, and like Eren did when fighting Annie, he gets overcome by that power - but in Acnologia's case, the power-drunk state was permanent. Or in other words, Mashima's justification for Acnologia's status as a villain is, like with Eileen from her Dragonization and Zeref with his curse, to just shrug his arms and say "oh, he just went crazy is all." And not even the interesting kind of crazy that sometimes gets played with Tokyo Ghoul - it's the plot enforced "magic-induced insanity" that lets you basically do whatever the hell you want with a character without having consistent characterization or any kind of depth by having a logical reason - because that takes time and effort, and Mashima is either too lazy or just plain doesn't care enough about his writing to do that.

    6. I agree with the anime adaptors. I happened to watch parts of their version of the Tartarus arc and my god, no wonder the anime was so successful! So much of the bullshit is simply sped past through, I saw an additional scene of Laxus fighting Tempesta, which solves both Tempesta's stupid anticlimactic death and Laxus being out of commission, and Gajeel even gets a flashback to the council member that believed in him or whatever, who was killed offscreen in the comic with no one batting an eyelid.

      Ah, the movie is out, is it? I thought it was going to be the finale after all the chapters are done. That sounds like an utterly dreadful villain origin, and I honestly would've just liked it if Acnologia was really just unhinged and evil from the get-go. But eh, Mashima can't write a villain worth a damn, justifying everything with insanity, so yeah.


  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I can't breathe this is what Fairy Tail is and I fucking love it.

    Zeref and Natsu fists connect which should do nothing to Zeref because Zeref is an invincible GOD with infinite power and he will just heal. But then Natsu starts setting time on fire with the fire of his soul because.


    We cut to Ancologia killing Jellal, and all hope is lost. But Erza is like don't worry I will pull something out of my butt. When the ship can fly because. Anyway Anna that useless bitch starts flying the ship into Ancologia. She is going to die to defeat D-Dragon because duh this is the only reason Hiro introduced this character and did untold damage to his series. She can't do it on her own, and Ichiya has to fly the ship. Fuck Anna existence because she is WORTHLESS. WHY?! IS?! SHE?! HERE?!

    Has Anna done anything of note? WHY IS ANNA A THING? She is the most worthless "character" in fairy tail made worst by the fact Hiro is trying to make her mean SOMETHING. I don't think Anna character. She is not even a character. She is ink on a piece of paper. We have a Fairy Tail sacrifice play, and Ancologia gets push into an effective black hole he is "dead" I guess. WOW THAT SUCKED! But on the bright side Ichiya and Anna are dead so the world is a better place. Oh and Ichiya shoots Jellal free...You would think the bullets would bounce off Ancologia hide like candy but whatever. Then we get Ichiya shitty speech tell Jellal to live so he can protect erza. Why? He was protecting her trying to Force the Black dragon into the hole and when plot convenience/(Hiro eating Erza out) does not happen Erza can take care of herself.

    We Cut to Zeref in his God mode getting his shit pushed in by Natsu. BECAUSE FRIENDSHIP! A PLUS WRITING HIRO. to make Natsu look all "cool" he tells Mavis to have her moment with zeref so he can check on Happy. 536 is a complete garbage fire and I find a perverse joy in reading it.

    1. Because Natsu's fists can punch through ANYTHING. Fuck gods, fuck the rules of magic, fuck time, he has friendship and the power of the guild!

      Anna, that's what she's called. I'm still gonna call her Mary Sue. God, she's so utterly pointless, isn't she? She's a plot device that doesn't actually do anything to advance the plot. Also I think the reason I'm glad is that Erza doesn't bullshit her way out of this and it's Ichiya that's the hero in this chapter.

      But of course the writer has Ichiya say all that. I mean, a woman being independent without a man's shoulder to cry on? Like, that's all Lucy is good for anymore. That and boob shots.

  3. I think the true final battle is going to be the God or Force that cursed Zeref. It makes sense

    1. Hey, Natsu punched a god to death already back in the Avatar arc. Who needs god slayers?
