One Piece, Chapter 865: Hey Mother
Still doing mini-reviews. As you can gather, I'm really busy at the moment and will be for at least another week, so you're getting stuff I've written some time ago and only cleaned up a bit before posting them here.
But hey, I managed to catch One Piece. So. Cover page's mostly kind of setup for the Cavendish story. Apparently Cavendish's horse drinks tea. Huh. I totally forgot that, uh... Suleiman? Slayman? Whoever that dude's called, I forgot he ended up as part of Cavendish's crew.

We got a little of Caesar Clown and the captured Brulee, little bits of the general chaos erupting, but mostly it's just Luffy making Big Mom scream. The big B-plot here, though, is the Vinsmokes. Katakuri rightfully tells Perospero off for doing the silly villain monologue nonsense and not killing them outright, and, well, Perospero's just still taking his sweet, sweet time. We did get a brief note by Reiju about how someone decent came out of their bloodline, and Judge continues to cry like a bitch.
Big Mom absolutely goes batshit crazy when she sees the picture and cries, and bleeds when her knees hit the floor and good god the art's actually pretty great at making this horrible-looking jackass of a human being look sympathetic. Like, jeez, she's a horrible human being that competes with Blackbeard and Doflamingo in sheer douchebaggery, but still, that gonk face's expression when she sees her precious mother's picture ripped in half is pretty sad.
The scream causes a lot of people to get knocked out. Obviously Luffy and Bege's crew aren't affected due to the earplugs, and the Vinsmokes are saved because their executioners get knocked out (did anyone believe they're really going to be executed gangland style in One Piece?). Bege shoots out Vito and the cyborg dude out of his body to launch Caesar's gas bazooka, most of Big Mom's crew are knocked down if not entirely out (Smoothie and Galette are conscious enough to talk, in any case).
But fuck all of that. You know what's the most badass scene? Sanji standing on the table, holding a cigarette, coldly looking down at his piece of shitstain of a father, with his Diable Jambe activated to melt away the candy holding them together, while Judge is still crying, before leading Nami, Carrot and Chopper into battle... yeah. I'd rather have Sanji kick each one of them in the face first, but I'm not as nice a guy like Sanji. No dialogue is really needed. Sanji just frees his scum family (Reiju isn't scum, of course, but typing 'Sanji's family except Reiju' every single time would be redundant) and hands them their stupid raid suits wordlessly.
I still kinda want Judge to get absolutely wrecked by Sanji, but then the story probably wouldn't flow as well if the Vinsmokes proceeded to fight the Straw Hat/Firetank coalition. So, uh, I guess the Vinsmokes are on their side now, at least to take down Big Mom? Highly doubt the poison will actually do it, though.
Also unexpectedly we get a flashback to... Elbaf, 63 years ago, with Big Mom having a flashback to mother Caramel leaving her behind. So yeah, we're probably going to get a sympathetic story for Big Mom, though she's still a pretty horrible human being so I want to see Luffy do a grizzly magnum to her face at least once.
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