Sunday 7 May 2017

Supergirl S02E18 Review: Obligatory Reporter Episode

Supergirl, Season 2, Episode 18: Ace Reporter

I don't think I've made it unclear that Kara's reporter story was something I thought really essential to the show. We've had a couple of decent stories out of it, but in season two it was a thorn that really felt like they were just including it simply because it's a classic part of Superman lore and not because they had any good stories to tell. 

Because, well, I know it's been some time since I last watched a Supergirl episode, but wasn't it two, three episodes ago that Kara got fired? Yes, the beginning of the episode had the hilariously stupid scene where Kara shows up to the DEO and finds out that there's nothing for her to do... seriously, an entire Earth and you have no small crisis or road accident to save? Jeez. Also, Snapper was also unnecessarily dickish this episode, and generally I just don't really give much of a shit about any of the investigative reporter thing going on. 

It's a pretty underwhelming episode, to be honest. Sue, the visuals of the Biomax nanobot swarm was cool, and the brutality of the witnesses' deaths are gruesome... and it's a nice, unexpected usage of the Lena Luthor character that fleshes out her backstory somewhat, That said, though, Lena Luthor and her ex problems is hardly enough to hold up as the main plot for the 40-minute episode. Even if Jack Spheer is a swarm of nanobots remote-controlled by (surprise!) his assistant that shows up for three seconds during the demonstration earlier in he episode. It's not a very engaging plot at all. Sure, it's pointing out some darker parts of Lena's characterization, but if someone I cared about was mind-controlled and had to be mercy-killed to save my other friend, I would want whoever was doing the mind-controlling dead too. 

Again, the B-plot suffers greatly, with a nonsensical showing of James and Winn fighting over whether Lyra should be allowed to go crime-fighting with them. It just felt bizarre, out of nowhere and does anyone seriously actually care about the Guardian side of things in this show? If nothing else, the show really dropped the ball in showing James for one scene offering to help Kara investigate... and then nothing. 

Oh, and Rhea is apparently joining up with Lena for... reasons? Thing is, Lena doesn't make for a believable villain at all, especially not after everything that has gone on and the show's very, very adamant shoving down our throats that she's a nice, decent person, so if anything I'm just waiting for when Lena eventually betrays Rhea and sides with Kara. 

Eh, a bit of a disappointing episode all around, to be honest.

DC Easter Eggs Corner:

  • Biomax, a.k.a. James Spheer, in the comics was a bona fide villain, and is a corrupt CEO of a food company that refused to pull his product off the shelves despite the revolutionary process used in making the vegetables having side effects. A battle against the Green Arrow and Black Canary saw James fall into a vat of the very same chemicals he's been using to accelerate the growth of his cattle and vegetables, and gained the power to turn into a huge mist that was able to possess people. (Is this the first time a Green Arrow villain was borrowed by another live-action adaptation instead of the other way around?)

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