Friday 12 December 2014

Toriko 305 Review: More Training Stuff

Toriko Chapter 305: Playtime Preparations

A pretty slow chapter, with the good majority of the chapter just Kaka going all explanatory about Enbu and explaining how the whole point is for all the cells (who apparently have mini brains of their own somehow) in the body to kind of synchronize and decide to work together or something along those lines. The explanation was pretty long, but the gist is they have to make all their Gourmet Cells cooperate, and mastering Enbu will allow them to break through even gravity.

Kaka tells Toriko, Sani and Coco (Zebra opts to train on his own) to train by juggling a bunch of BB Pillbugs or whatever, which can apparently change their weight or spontaneously stop mid-air. There's another set of explanations about the Pillbug and the Enbu techniques, and apparently the Iai-Aye can juggle up to three of these Pillbugs, with three being the standard for a 'newcomer'. Also Kaka makes it clear their main point is simply to get strong enough to be the Monkey King's playmates.

Doesn't really seem to be all that, really, since they beat the Enbu-using Goritaurus pretty easily back then, but this seems to be just another training stuff like all the Food Honor or Food Immersion stuff. I don't particularly care, really... it's not a bad chapter, but it's not really a good one either since I just don't have much to talk about. And after the series of big cliffhangers that is the NEO, Komatsu being stabbed through the chest and two chapters ago when everyone apparently died, having the plot veer off into some boring training doesn't really pique my interest.

Also the Monkey King Bambina is still playing hide-and-seek.

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