Saturday 16 July 2016

One Piece 832 Review: The Judge

One Piece, Chapter 832: Germa Kingdom

Team Luffy wander around the forest of seduction or whatever it's called, running around in circles and bumping to the utterly chill 'give me apple juice' buried giant, while the trees, ground and all sorts of psychopathic monsters move around and cause them to be unable to get their bearings. They're attacked by a white rabbit, Randolph the Crane Rider, who Carrot identifies as not being a Mink because he can't use Electro. A Zoan? The real Luffy gets captured by unknown hands, while the fake Luffy eventually reveals himself to be... this creepy, tall hag with a scarred face, Charlotte Brulee, 7th daughter of the Charlotte Family.

Brulee chokes Nami and faces off against her, Chopper and Carrot, and, well, maybe we'll get our first serious Nami fight? Nami hasn't had a serious one-on-one fight since... since ever, really, with the last action she's seen taking out a couple or two of Hody Jones' lieutenants. Which don't really count. Chopper hasn't had much that he did post-timeskip either. I wouldn't mind Chopper and Nami teaming up to take down Brulee.

Meanwhile, we cut away to Germa 66, which is a nation that literally sails across the seas, and their giant snail ships can retract and latch on to this massive contraption that holds up their fort. We see Sanji, and Reiju's trying to get to goad Sanji back into rejoining the family -- a thing that Sanji finds abhorrent. Apparently Sanji easily beat up Yonji off-screen, too. We get to see a portrait of Sanji's father, who apparently caused a coup where he killed four of the North Blue kings. Reiju tries to appeal to Sanji's pervertedness by offering ten maids that will follow any of his royal-blooded command...

And, well, to play the bad cop to Reiju's good cop is big daddy himself, Vinsmoke Jaji. Which is pronounced like 'judge', plus the whole '-ji' part of the name. Judge (it's easier for my brain to type 'judge', so...) has a cool-looking design, though it kinda-sorta reminds me of Endeavour from Boku no Hero Academia a bit. His eyebrows are covered by his helmet! That makes him a lot less harder not to take seriously. Sanji and Judge are fully hostile, and they immediately want to beat each other up. Yeaah, I would definitely like to see that. 

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