Friday 22 July 2016

Toriko 368 Review: BAMBINA NOOOOO

Toriko, Chapter 368: The Competition for God

The good guys get pushed back, with half of the chapter having Acacia-Neo quite literally pushing his hand into Toriko's neck and just wiggling it around while trash-talking him and monologuing about god. Joie gets a couple of hits on Starjun. Teppei gets utterly fucked up by the Blue Nitro, though I honestly doubt that he'll die from this.

The Eight Kings unleash their hyper beams upon Acacia-Neo, who stops time with his improved Back Channel and just monologues some more, all the while Toriko refusing to die before transforming into... this... third oni, I assume, which freaks the fuck out of Acacia who throws him away. Yeah, plot device and all. Acacia-Neo manages to eat a chunk of the prepared god, so good job, Komatsu and Ootake or whoever -- you guys done fucked up by cooking the frog. 

Bambina charges in while the other eight kings attack -- the Mother Snake launches this weird tongue thing that ends in a pair of balls which is just weird as all hell. Also, despite being shown earlier in the chapter, Guinness is nowhere to be seen in that big splash page, unless that jumping this is meant to be Guinness and not Bambina, who's already next to Neo? I dunno. 

And after the explosion, apparently eating god caused Acacia and Neo to separate? Acacia is a naked man apparently restored to health, while Neo is just this ugly-creepy motherfucker who holds Bambina's body, which is reduced to just his upper torso, head and an arm. Good fuck, that's brutal! Also, poor Bambina! Jeez, that's brutal.

Bambina's not dead and he launches some point-blank monkey beam things even when less than 50% of his body remains, but that did jack shit to the new, creepier Neo -- jeez he looks creepy -- and Neo then proceeds to blow up Heracles. Man, I know the Eight Kings really probably will die to Neo, but it's still sad to see it happen. 

Maybe we'll see less animal cruelty next chapter and see Toriko's third demon be relevant?


  1. Funnily enough, Heracles being blown to bits is a good thing.

    Remember Elg? The Herac-Centaur that Buranchi fought during the Cooking Fest? Unless Heracs are getting a sudden down-grade from Shima, we're about to see a ridiculous amount of Heracles clones.

    1. Huh, that actually... makes sense! I totally forgot that Elg (Elk? Elc?) had a Herac grafted onto his body. And, yeah, presumably the Heracles clones won't have a power level as high as the original body, but damn, Heracles certainly didn't deserve getting blown up so abruptly without honestly doing much -- out of the kings present I think Bambina, Guinness, Moon and maybe Sky Deer's little buddies did most of the legwork.
