Monday 18 July 2016

Pokemon GO, Part 2: Stuff this game could do better

Pokemon Go hit the world like a gigantic storm, far eclipsing any popularity the franchise has ever achieved other than perhapsa the initial 90's Pokemania. And whether this simple app has been a good idea or not, or if it's healthy to eclipse the main games so much with this distraction... I don't know. But after having several weeks of Pokemon Go, here are some additional thoughts to my initial review. I still like the game and I still play it a lot, but damn if the game couldn't have done with some improvement.

  • A better tutorial: Yeah, the very basics of catching Pokemon and Pokestops are told to you, and I hate games that hold your hand like you're some retarded kid, but I am absolutely baffled by so much of the things that go on in the game. Willow is a shitty professor, really. Absolutely nothing about the battle system is told to us, or how the little radar on the bottom right work, or how the gyms and teams work, nearly nothing about evolution is told to us, and generally the tutorial could've been smoother. Hell, even a little 'Help' FAQ would really help even things over so that I can actually play the damn game without consulting google.
  • A better battle system: Not to say that I would want a copy-paste of the main series' turn-based fights, but if they had to do 'spam tapping and kill the enemy faster than they can kill you' Infinity Blade style combat, then implement a proper fighting system with tapping instead of this half-assed thing we got.
  • Friends List: I have friends that play Pokemon Go. Trading might be out of the question for the moment, but a friends list, so I can know who's in Team Blue in the local area? Come on. 
  • Pokespot distribution: In a sense, yeah, Pokespots distributed in malls and public places is one thing, but it really puts people in more rural areas to be in a disadvantage. I have no Pokespot in the block in my house and while I'm lucky enough to have a couple near where I work, a lot of people really have to travel a fair distance just to get Pokeballs. Speaking of which...
  • More ways to get Pokeballs: After you first run out of Pokeballs, you really need to stay around a Pokespot for several hours, waiting for the thing to turn purple and then blue, before you can replenish your stock. And believe me, you run out of Pokeballs really quickly. Really wished some Pokemon dropped a pokeball or two as loot or something.
  • More ways to encounter Pokemon: Yeah, part of the game's charm is in its simplicity, but the April Fools' Google trailer had them use the app as a fishing rod to fish in watery areas, and I feel that it would be a far better option to really integrate water areas instead of just having Magikarps and Goldeens pop up wherever.
  • More ways to battle: I would love to battle and maybe get some XP with... I dunno. NPC trainers? Lesser NPC gyms? The gang war aspect is awesome, but my 500/600-CP Nidoqueens and Golbats can't even touch the level 1000's that's populating every local gym unless I get a couple of friends to raid them WoW-style. 
  • Battery Consumption: Obvious, really. Some notification systems might kind of work. Maybe it works only near pokespots or something?
  • Better Servers: Sorry, but the Pokemon Go servers are down. Yeah, fuck that shit.

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