Sunday 24 July 2016

One Piece 833 Review: Sanji's Shitty Family

One Piece, Chapter 833: Vinsmoke Judge

This thing didn't upload yesterday (grumble grumble).

Anyway, we learn more about Sanji's family, and they're all jackasses. Yonji did get hit so hard by Sanji off-screen that he needed a hydraulic press to get his face back to normal.

Sanji and Judge fight it out outside the mansion, and Sanji keeps insisting that Judge isn't his father, 
and that he refuses to acknowledge the Vinsmoke family in any way. We get a brief flashback of Sanji being bullied by Yonji and... well, "Ichiji" and "Niiji", I assume. For the lowly crime of cooking food for peasants. I'd call this a bit of a continuity error -- didn't Sanji's love for cooking only stem after meeting Zeff? But whatever. Sanji's family is horrible, and Judge literally just calls him a worthless piece of shit for being unable to defend himself, and seeing no worth in raising him. Reiju just laughs.

Man, what a bunch of twats. No wonder Sanji so adamantly refuses to acknowledge them. Y'know, in addition to the whole 'family of assassins' thing.

In the present, Judge is pissed when Sanji talks all about the whole 'my hands exist for cooking' thing, and Judge uses some weird air rockets on his boots to fly to the sky, and apparently his epithet is 'the Garuda'. Sanji gives some resistance with his Diable Jambe, but Judge ends up getting a bit of the upper hand -- nothing too devastating as far as 'worf' effects go, but he did rough Sanji up a bit. He uses lightning kicks powered by technology, apparently. Sanji isn't too badly hurt, but Judge uses a bunch of human walls to block Sanji's path, before impaling one and launching an electrical blast.

Judge then drops all pretense at even becoming a semi-decent human being and starts calling Sanji worthless again, saying that he refuses to have his sons marry Big Mom's family... except for this dud. And, well, Reiju puts on two of the exploding bomb-bracelets that we saw the Tenryubito use on slaves so long ago on Sanji's hands, with the threat of blowing up his hands should he rebel.

Man, Sanji's family is a bunch of assholes.


  1. Actually, when Sanji and Zeff first met, Sanji was an apprentice(?) cook on a ship called The Orbit.

    What Zeff taught him was to never waste food, something he'd do quite a bit on The Orbit.

    1. -rereads-

      I stand corrected! I blazed through a lot of the earlier One Piece stuff. (Man, the artwork has changed so much since the first 100 chapters or so. For the better, too, I might add.)
