Thursday 28 July 2016

One Piece 834 Review: Calling Out Caesar's Bullshit

One Piece, Chapter 834: My Dream

We cut away from the Sanji family drama to the overreaching Big Mom stuff. We did get a bit with Sanji kind of regretting letting his guard down and getting those bomb wristlets latched onto his hands... yeah, poor dude. 

We get a bit of Brook and Pedro going through the streets, listening to the propaganda about Jinbe, who apparently chickened out of his deal and begged Big Mom to spare him? Brook (and we, the readers) doubt Jinbe would do something like that, so either he was forced to do something like that or this is just some One Piece-styled ham-fisted propaganda and character assassination. But they come across Pudding, still trapped with Big Mom's people and told to choose clothes and whatever, being supervised by Baron Tamago.

Who, for someone who looks like Dr. Eggman's cousin, has a very creepy face. Brook and Pedro discover that, yeah, the good Baron konws everything about what the Straw Hats have been doing, and that Team Luffy is trapped in the seductive forest. There's a bit of a moment where the Baron ponders what to do with his old partner Pekoms...

Who is being held at gunpoint by Capone Bege. Bege is married to Charlotte Chiffon, and they have... a rather ugly son that's basically Bege's face pasted onto a baby. No idea why they corner Pekoms and shoot him and drop him into shark-infested waters... Pekoms told Bege not to underestimate Big Mom, so they're presumably doing something behind Big Mom's back, but what, exactly? Kind of curious. 

We get a short scene at the end at the seductive woods or whatever with Luffy finding multiple copies of Nami, Chopper, Sanji and Carrot, none of which I'm sure is the real thing. Don't care, really, about this bit.

The bulk of the chapter focuses on Caesar Clown meeting Big Mom, and being scared shitless. Big Mom reveals her big desire... for a drug to gigantify her family so they can eat at the same table. Honestly, if Big Mom wasn't so murderously psychotic it would be heartwarming. It also explains the giant kids in Punk Hazard, which doesn't make sense considering Caesar Clown's main plan back then was to create artificial devil fruits and gas weapons. Good planning there, and holy shit, Punk Hazard was like two, three years ago!

Caesar attempts to blame Luffy and go 'my research is all gone, I can't do anything please forgive me', which is total horseshit because he couldn't do the gigantification on anything but children, and not without side effects... but Big Mom, in a bit of a gesture of fair kindness on her part (as far as Big Mom can be kind) gives Caesar a fully functional lab and instructions to try and replicate the drug. Oh Caesar, you slimy shit, of course Big Mom has resources to creating a lab. 

Also we get references to Caesar basically hiring hookers from a Girl's Ship. They snuck that in pretty hilariously, I think.

So Caesar Clown is now at the mercies of Charlotte Perospero, the Minister of Candy and eater of the Lick-Lick Fruit... who is a creepy dude. Sanji left Caesar's heart at the hands of the Big Mom Pirates, and this ends up in Perospero's hands, so, um, yeah, Caesar's in trouble. Not sure where we're going with Caesar Clown, to be honest, and I'm surprised that he's lasted this long in the series... so much that some people were actually considering the gigantic douchebag for Next Straw Hat(tm). But nah. I don't think so. Curious where we're going anyway with Caesar, though.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Perospero looks like and evil Willy Wonka.

    1. And that is what I shall call him from now on, because it's kind of hard to spell Perosperosperorerorerorerorero
