Tuesday 19 January 2016

Fairy Tail 469 Review: Randomly A Tumour & Boobs

Fairy Tail, Chapter 469: What I Want To Do

A whole lot of nonsense for a threat that no one for a second believes will happen. Oh, right, like Fairy Tail is going to kill Natsu off because of a tumour. A poorly-explained tumour that literally came out of nowhere, mind you -- we get some bullshit about Etherano and Natsu's Igneel tattoo or whatever, but I've read the page for like five times and it still doesn't make sense. Lucy and Happy are being OMG OMG OMG OH NO and shit, and Polyursicha talks about how hopeless the situation is... so of course Brandish randomly shows up and her magic is the perfect one to save Natsu's tumour. Now I admit that it's done a lot better than Minerva's heel-face-turn, but seriously, the Albaress arc hasn't even ended yet and you're already redeeming one of the villains? One of the villains, who, mind you, haven't done jack shit but torment (not kill or even torture, mind you) a couple of nameless villagers? Seriously, that's got to be a record for Fairy Tail. It's not done poorly, it's just that Brandish's heel face turn could be seen from miles away and I honestly just want to get it over with. Some bullshit about Lucy and Aquarius sharing a moment, and no, nowhere in all this is it explained how Aquarius managed to find her way to the human world. 

All the fights that were set up between Kagura, Yukino, the Ten Saints and their Spriggan counterparts, certainly far more interesting than some 'Lucy cries' bullshit or the tumour plot which literally came out of the author's ass, end up being shoved aside. We even get a protracted sequence that only serves to undermine any shred of dignity that Kagura has left -- bad enough that she gets humiliated by being stripped by Di Maria, but we get a long sequence of all the men on the battlefield being "OH LOOK TITTIES" both in the flashback and in the present day. No talk at all at how Kagura survived the fight against Di Maria, or why Di Maria left them. Nope. Boobs are more important. If Bradman or whoever is so dangerous why the fuck would he let the others retreat? Even if it's for story purposes surely showing how exactly they managed that would be far more interesting than randomly bringing up Kagura's shame and showing all these random men perverting on her even when she's fully clothed.

Oh and all four Great Wizard Saints that showed up: Jura, Warrod, Dracula Man and Old Midget have all been taken out by God Serena. Off-screen. Not even a courtesy showing or montage of their battle. Nope, Kagura's shame and Lucy's tears are far more compelling. Warrod is all 'oh no I'm about to die dramatic moment', and Mavis is shocked and shit, but honestly Warrod is barely a character beyond eccentric Fairy Tail founder. I have nothing against the character, but honestly beyond having a cool design, being a founder and cracking old jokes there really isn't anything at all to Warrod's character. I honestly don't care much if he died at all, and any of his recent scenes certainly don't help me get any more attached to him. 

Overall, yeah, as predicted, any time Fairy Tail shows a glimmer of potential it screws itself over with stupid plot decisions. Admittedly this isn't anywhere as bad as the previous blunders in the Tartaros arc and Avatar... distraction... and even during this whole Alvarez arc, but still, this chapter leaves a bad taste in mouth simply because the author doesn't have enough faith that his conflict and his characters would be interesting enough without resorting to a redemption scene he's written five times over in far more interesting positions (Juvia, Flare, Kagura, Jellal, Ultear without even thinking) and with protracted sequences of a character being humiliated because BOOBS.

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