We also get a bunch of new characters, the Ultra Recon Squad, who look like anime versions of Tron. Don't particularly give much of a shit, to be honest. I'm not sure if they're replacing Team Skull or Aether Foundation or something. Don't particularly care that much for human characters, and apparently the URS characters we fight are... game specific? Feels weird, but it's not the first time they did it, since Magma/Aqua was kind of the same thing.

We also get new Pokemon, yay! The big one is UB-Assembly, who is confirmed to be a pure-poison type. She's a cute little weird fetus-pixie thing with a big head. Not the most original-looking thing, but I like her. She's actually the most natural-looking out of the non-Solgaleo/Lunala Ultra Beasts, to be honest. She's Poison, though, which is... definitely pretty strange. I'd think she'd be Psychic. But oh well.
We also get confirmation of UB-Assembly and UB-Burst's typings. Assembly is Rock/Steel, which basically makes him Bastiodon or Probopass, and.... it makes sense, of course. It's just not particularly exciting. UB-Burst is Fire/Ghost, making him like Chandelure or Alolan Marowak... which... um... shit, that thing doesn't really have a typing that particularly makes sense, so , yeah, why not? Definitely not a big fan of Burst, to be honest, especially getting a chance to see him again.
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