Saturday 6 February 2016

Boku no Hero Academia 77 Review: Attack of the Clones

Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 77: It's OK

This chapter hates me -- I've written this review like three times but blogger kept eating it. Oh well.

I think the big moment at the end of this chapter, with Midoriya blazing in telling via Mandalay's telepathy that all the students are allowed to use their quirks in combat, was kinda m'eh. I mean, it's dramatic, but I didn't think it needed so much focus like that. Fortunately this chapter offered us a fair amount of other things going on.

We've got Shigaraki and Black Mist talking -- Shigaraki views the strike team as pawns and whatever happens there it would be an advantage. He's gone from playing an RPG to a Sim, he says. Presumably he means a war sim like Civilization or the older Warcraft games instead of Sims 4. Okay then, he's sending a raiding party to harass the opposing team. Game lingo, hand-buddy. He also wants Bakugou for the whole 'chained up in victory' thing that he did during the sports festival. A symbol, perhaps, to execute publicly?

Midoriya and Kouta get a moment. It's cheesy but it could be worse -- believe me, I have seen worse. Midoriya still being able to use his legs, and them needing Kouta's water horse quirk to put out the fires, was decent.

Aizawa didn't die, of course, and goes all Jack Bauer on Dabi, but when Iida, Mineta and their group show up Dabi just... bloops away from Aizawa's whips like he's got some kind of insubstantial powers. And apparently Mr. Multi-Arm from last chapter's colour page has clone powers. And I don't mean he can create clones of himself like Naruto or Multiple Man, I mean he can literally create clones of other people. He's with the real Dabi, and he can make multiple clones of his buddies.

Midoriya interrupts Mandalay's fight with Spinner, smashing the Iron Throne Sword, and we see a montage of various people facing off. We see Tokoyami going all berserk wherever he is, we see Momo facing off against Midget Darth Vader, Tsuyu and Uraraka against Li'l Miss Psycho Touga, Hellraiser has apparently created this insane tree of blades or whatever the hell that was... yeah gimme those action scenes.

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