Sunday 28 February 2016

One Piece 817 Review: Raizou & Red Poneglyphs

One Piece, Chapter 817: Raizou of the Mist

To note: Tokyo Ghoul chapter will be delayed for a couple of days simply due to the sheer amount of big things that happened in this week's chapter.

I have said it once, and I will say it as many times as I want to -- the Wanokuni Country arc doesn't really interest me at all. Kin'emon and Momonosuke has been around all the way since Punk Hazard, and while they were set up to play a role in Dressrosa, neither they nor Kanjurou's anticlimactic reveal ended up really being anything beyond 'hey these eccentric characters who we promise will be important someday. Honest!'

It's just a standard revelation of a new, oh-so-quirky character, Raizou, but unlike Bleach and Toriko, this week's One Piece knows to put in a couple other revelations into it as well. We get the token scene showing that, yes, Jack's not dead and only idiots would believe it. The Kouzuki (previously written as Kougetsu but changed, apparently) family's heir is apparently Momonosuke Kouzuki, heir to the Daimyo Oden Kouzuki. And the whole Kin'emon/Momonosuke father-son thing has been nothing but a farce to protect Momonosuke. It's not a big revelation, really, since Kin'emon and Momonosuke had been such ciphers before. But hey, another big-shot who's allied himself with Luffy! Sorta.

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi call a truce and whatnot, then takes the Straw Hats to see the ninja Raizou. Who, in true One Piece fashion, looks absolutely fucking weird, like Gedatsu and Foxy had a baby or something. He's been chained up on the top of the whale tree, so he's not a dick that just hides while the Minks are being massacred. Raizou is basically, well, what you'd expect a ninja to be in the One Piece world, with a couple of token references to Naruto -- the concept of ninjas aren't exclusive to Naruto, of course, but showing Kage Bunshin no Jutsu and mentioning the various elemental releases was a nice little reference. He's quirky and crazy. That's about everything that's to know about him. 

More interesting than Raizou, though, is the existence of the red poneglyph in Zou... which naturally doesn't get read in this chapter because everyone else (even Law!) is obsessed with ninja ninja ninja. 

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