Friday 5 February 2016

Toriko 357 Review: Creepy Stalkers

Toriko, Chapter 357: The Creature, Neo

Mostly just an origin story for Neo -- it's basically one of the demons that the Nitro used while they were going around planets and stuff cooking planets and whatnot... and, well, it's just a little horror story, really, with Neo looking like Gollum's creepy cousin, going around from just this weird kid huddling in the corner, dumping its saliva into ant nests and then just being creepy as all hell. The artwork really makes it look... wrong, and the description of it just stalking prey for days on end just to terrify it and bring out its flavour is really well done.

Not a lot really happened, but we learn something about Neo -- not a lot, mind you -- but quite enough to make him more than just 'what the fuck is this knob-nosed weirdass powerhouse in Acacia'. A nice, decent chapter.

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