Saturday 13 February 2016

Boku no Hero Academia 78 Review: Freaky Tooth Powers

Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 78: Chaos Whirlpool 

Midoriya zooms off after getting Mandalay to tell everyone that 'Kacchan' is the target, and it's hilarious that no one other than the 1A students even know who the fuck Kacchan is. We get a bit of an internal strife among the villains as Spinner stops Magne from going off after Midoriya simply because Stain respects Midoriya that one time. I'm not sure if Mandalay's kick will take Spinner down for good, but it's a nice moment to build up a lesser character.

Creepy BDSM dude is called Moonfish, which is like the least threatening name ever for a BDSM Hellraiser dude. He escaped from death row, and apparently those solid lightning-bolt-shaped thing that just looks weird and kinda like Sephiroth from Psyren extends from Moonfish's fucking teeth. His weird tooth powers are strong enough to knock Bakugou back and suspend him in air upside-down because... man, Moonfish is like the most horrifying yet awesomely-creative characters in the same breath.

Neither Todoroki nor Bakugou can use their powers (well, flame powers for Bakugou) because of all the gas. A short distance away, TetsuTetsuTetsuTetsu and Kendou figure out that someone is manipulating the poison gas, and it's cool that the 1B students are doing something. Damned if I remember who Kendou was, but TetsuTetsuTetsuTetsu is fun mostly because of his fun name. Midget Gas Mask Darth Vader guy pulls out a gun and shoots TetsuTetsuTetsuTetsu but, y'know, it's a good thing his quirk is hardening. Or steelification. I don't remember which is which between Tetsu and Kirishima.
We see this gigantic shadow arm attack Midoriya, who is saved by a very wounded Shouji. There is a bloody stump on one of his tentacle things, so maybe he is the dude who lost his arm to Moonfish? It would be kind of a cop-out for the dude whose power is literally growing organs off tentacles to be the one to lose a limb, but hey. 

Meanwhile, Tokoyami is... in full Berserk mode as his shadow has gone out of control being like this inhuman and extremely cool looking shaded Venom-monster thing and, well, yeah. It looks cool! What more can I say? The art of Boku no Hero Academia is great most of the time, but this scene really impressed me. So we're getting yet another threat -- even if Tokoyami isn't a villain. Logic dictates you should point Tokoyami in the way of Moonfish and have the two beat each other up and save Tokoyami only if he's exhausted and hopefully having beaten Moonfish, but hey, drama! Not sure what Midoriya can still do since he's wounded as all hell, so maybe Shouji can do something? Back in the earlier parts of the manga he was built up to be one of the stronger kids only to fall by the wayside, so it would be cool to see him do some cool shit. 

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