Tuesday 2 February 2016

Fairy Tail 471 Review: To Upstage the C-Listers

Fairy Tail, Chapter 471: Until the Battle Ends

Yep, exactly like what I said, the Fairy Tail main characters go out and prevent the C-lister teams of Sabertooth, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel and the rest of them from actually doing anything. The big Acnologia twist last episode ended up just... petering off as Acnologia leaves, and none of the two Spriggans there have enough balls to really do anything... though honestly it's good show on their part to know their place. 

We then have, in quick succession: a completely pointless scene of Lucy and Freed recapping where everyone went to, a scene showing exactly where the people went to that makes the recap pointless, some bullshit Juvia-Gray-tsundere bullshit that has overrun its funny capacity... and an actually good Laxus scene where he's apparently still suffering from the Tempesta fight from the Tartaros arc, and Gray talks to him about it. A pointless 'Gray nekkid' joke, Gajeel and Levy have some shipping bait scene that went on for way too long, Chelia and Kagura think they're going to do stuff, more stripping courtesy of Di Maria, and then Fairy Tail comes in all badass-like because they're the main character.

Can you tell that I don't give a shit? Because I don't. Spending half a chapter's worth of pagetime for the Badass Arrival of the Cavalry only works when you've spent like two or three chapters showing these people actually fight and struggle against Walricht and Di Maria, when all that amounts to their strugle is Di Maria stripping the clothes off the women fighters in the name of the great cause of fanservice. Again, why include these people like Chelia the Wind God Slayer, Lyon of the same master with Gray and Kagura the... whatever the fuck Kagura's power is beyond swords... what's the point of even including them in this big fight if they're not going to do jack shit? 

Yeah. An utterly predictable chapter devoid of any real content other than that nice Laxus and Gray conversation. Oh well, maybe next chapter we'll get a nice Laxus fight.

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