Friday 21 October 2016

Hearthstone News: Tournaments, Heroic Brawls and Murloc Tweaks

So a bunch of things are happening in Hearthstone for the past few days. Mostly just announcements as we near the inevitable new expansion announcement in Blizzcon whenever it happens, but here goes some of the big revelations and news we've got in the past few days.

Heroic Brawl:
It's basically a pay-to-enter Ranked mode, but with rewards. It's like a proto-Tournament-mode, and it's definitely not for new players because of how utterly savage it's going to be. People have been begging for tournament mode for months now and while I'm not someone who is really all that confident in facing off against meta decks and predicting the counter to the counter of the main meta deck, it is going to be very exciting to just sit back and watch some of my favourite Hearthstone streamers, well, stream this. So basically it's like an arena where you get kicked out if you lose 3 times, but if you win 12 times you get, like, 1100 dust, 1100 gold, FIFTY PACKS, and THREE GOLDEN LEGENDARIES. That is far more than the 1000 gold entry fee... which is intentionally high to discourage every Tim and Dick from going into the tournament. The most that normal people will reach is like 5-6 wins, which doesn't even break even. Especially with the quality of players that'll be participating. It's fine, though. It's a nice little step in the right direction, as flawed as it might be.

Pick a Champion:
Some tournament is happening, but you can log in to Battlenet and pick a champion, and you get free Grand Tournament packs depending on how well said champion does. I don't really care all that much for the tournament scene -- I just sometimes go and watch the finals and marvel at the insane amount of planning they do, but this gives me reason to care. Go, Random Asian Guy I Picked With My Eyes Closed! I believe in you!

New Patch:
A sudden buff? Nerf? To a lot of classic/basic Murloc cards, which includes Murloc Warleader, Murloc Tidecaller, Grimscale Oracle and Coldlight Seer, who all now just buff and get buffs from your Murlocs instead of buffing an entire board of Murlocs. I think it's a buff, that's for sure. It's irritating when I'm trying to play a Murloc deck and suddenly the enemy's Finley gets buffed into a 5/6 or whatever randomly.

Also a bunch of new quests that isn't just "WIN FIVE TIMES WITH DROOID", a crapton of bug fixes, a couple new challenges (yes!) and apparently a mini-adventure challenge? I've always said about how Hearthstone needed some additional 'campaign mode' or 'story mode' instead of just Adventures, the way other digital TCG games like Hex has. This is a step in the right direction, that's for sure, so it's fun to see that they're not just Tournament Tournament Tournament all the time. I realize that Tournament Mode and championships or whatever are very important to the Hearthstone community and how the game grows from here, but I for one just... shrug and don't care. If/When Tournament Mode comes out I'll be playing it a couple of times that's for sure, and maaaaybe if I want to throw away 1000 gold (that's, like, 50 new cards from the new expansion that's coming soon, and easily 10+ Arena runs even if I go 0-3 in all of them) I'll muck around with Heroic Brawl?

It's very, very nice to have such an influx of news and tweaks, though, and I really hope that Blizzard will consider buffing some of the ever-green Classic/Basic cards. Maybe I'll make an article about some card tweaks I would do if I'm on Blizzard's balance team. I dunno.

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