Thursday 6 October 2016

Toriko 390 Review: In Which A Tongue Destroys The World

Toriko, Chapter 390: Acacia's Goal

There's a bit of trippy thing with the ghost of Ichiryu going around in the spirit world and finding a bunch of Neo being clumped together, with the only foreshadowing being the first page of the chapter with Pair going "I can feel my comrades within you." The majority of this chapter is just Midora and Acacia fighting and I'm honestly surprised Midora's lasted this long against Mr. Godmode himself. There's a bit where his hand gets eaten and he just continues pummeling Acacia with the stumps of his arms. Then Midora uses Hungry Tongue and just destroys, like the quarter of the Earth in his rampage, but Acacia eats Midora's tongue.

Acacia gives this speech about how the world is divided into 'those that are eaten' and 'those that eat', and notes that while Midora has climbed up significantly high the food chain, but is ultimately something to be eaten... only for Toriko to calmly slice off Acacia's weird fang-tail-tentacle thing, and noting that Acacia/Neo himself is something to be eaten, all the while eating the chunk of Neo he cut off. There's a bit about how feeding attacks filled with anger and not despair is the key to defeating Neo, and as the Earth literally shatters apart, Neo transforms to yet another new form with extra mouths all over his body. 

Overall a bit of an okay fighting chapter, I guess, but not one that's terribly exciting either. 

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