Holy shit, this series kind of fell by the wayside in the face of so many superhero TV shows and cartoons that I'm doing, didn't it? With Pokemon Sun and Moon coming quite soon, I really kind of need to get my game on. Anyway, I missed out Generation IV and V almost entirely, playing them around half a year before VI was released. It's not that I hate the designs or anything, I just simply didn't have the time nor the DS to play it. And, well, I put in more time into my copy of Pokemon Platinum than any other Pokemon game, I think, and I really liked Sinnoh. It's a very cool region, with a lot of new Pokemon both fresh and updated versions of older Pokemon.
Eh, let's quickly get on with it, shall we?
Honourable mentions. Lucario and Piplup aren't actually in it, despite being super-duper popular dudes in the fandom. Piplup's cute but I didn't really like him that much, and while Lucario's cool-looking I didn't really like him more than any of the names in this list.
- Drapion: I like arachnids, and while Drapion isn't quite a realistic depiction of a scorpion, he's very weird and cool-looking, and definitely looks like he can fuck you up. And he can, especially since I can't keep it straight that Drapion is Poison/Dark and not Poison/Bug back when playing Platinum. I don't think I've ever used a Drapion in my party, but his design is definitely cool.
- Floatzel: Buizel/Floatzel is the very first Shiny Pokemon I encountered in a non-ROM-hacked game, and while it's not the best shiny out there (Floatzel looks anemic more than anything, though at least neon yellow is very distinct compared to the normal orange shade). I don't have a lot of love for otters, and I didn't give much of a shit to the line before I caught the Shiny Buizel, but he holds a special place in my heart now.
- Honchkrow: Crows are cool. Honchkrow is a mafia boss (or priest) version of one. He's just a cool-looking bird with style that eclipses Staraptor's emo-hairdo as the coolest bird in Sinnoh.
- Carnivine: Predatory plants have always fascinated me, which is why I liked Victreebel so much. But venus flytraps are a lot cooler than pitcher plants... it's a pity that Carnivine is so darned useless in battle, but hey, he at least has a pretty unique design.
- Froslass: Snorunt and Glalie were a bit forgettable in Generation III, but throw in Froslass. Holy shit, Froslass is awesome. Based on the mythical yuki-onna, she's a floating icy kimono ghost demon, and an Ice/Ghost typing is pretty cool. Forget Let It Go, Froslass preys on travelers lost in the snowy woods like a goddamned ice demon. And she's actually pretty strong in battle too. Definitely far cooler than Glalie, and that's saying something since Glalie isn't a bad design himself.
- Dusknoir, Gliscor, Weavile, Glaceon: No real reason other than they're very cool updates of already cool-looking older Pokemon.
#10 Spiritomb

#9 Vespiquen

#8 Palkia
Let me be honest, I've never ranked the Legendaries of generation IV highly design-wise. They were cool enough for me not to dismiss them, but I've always thought that the likes of Dialga, Palkia and Arceus were overdesigned, with way too many random details that kind of make for something that isn't instantly appealing, while others like Heatran or Shaymin doesn't quite have the majesty deserving of a Legendary. And the Lake Pixies are flat-out boring. There are exceptions, of course, which you'll see later down the list, but Palkia is special in that I didn't really give a shit about Space Godzilla at all when I first saw him. He's not a bad design, but I just didn't really care. Yeah, he's the god of space, he looks like a cool dragon T-Rex thing, and he's... Dragon and Water for some reason? Water... okay, yeah, whatever. If you say so. I mean, pearls are found underwater, right? And, I dunno, the sea is wide? It's a bit weird.
But I really ended up liking Palkia while doing a randomized Nuzlocke of a ROM of Pokemon Black 2. The randomizer absolutely hated me, giving me weak shits as my first encounters, while gym leaders challenged me with Meloettas, Deoxyses and Ho-Ohs. Deaths were very, very frequent... until I met a Palkia in Route 8. Which I quickly lobbed a Master Ball at. The sorry state of my team was definitely helped out with Palkia, and the randomizer hating me isn't a joke either -- the very first trainer I fought after catching Aether the Palkia had a Tyranitar and a Rayquaza and I very nearly lost my new god of space. But survive Palkia did, and I now understand just why people say Nuzlocke can give you an appreciation for Pokemon you didn't really care about before. Because now Palkia ranks among my favourites. It's still not the best designed Pokemon in my opinion, but I've grown to like the dude more. I mean, it's a dinosaur, which makes it a lot cooler than Dialga the Time Pony.
#7 Gallade

#6 Togekiss

Togekiss, Venusaur and Crobat are probably the only Pokemon that I used as a major party member in more than two playthroughs -- which honestly surprised me a little when I considered this since I tend to like to try and use Pokemon that I've never used before.
#5 Rotom

And the various Rotom types are very cool! Fan Rotom is kind of m'eh, and I have grown to have a love-hate relationship with the extremely competitive Washing Machine Rotom... but Oven and Freezer Rotom just looks fun, and Lawnmower Rotom has this gigantic shit-eating grin that makes me absolutely love him. Rotom is just this weird electric ghost that likes pranking people, and I kind of like that. Rotom's cool.
#4 Darkrai

While nominally being an event-exclusive Pokemon, Darkrai's actually got quite a fair amount of appearances in the games themselves. In Diamond, Pearl and Platinum, Darkrai is the cause of a minor character's son being beset by dreams that are so horrifying that he's unable to wake up, and you need to find Darkrai's archnemesis and counterpart, Cresselia, to get a Lunar Wing to wake the kid up. If you get the event to fight Darkrai, you can enter an otherwise inaccessible locked house, only to have a person force you to sleep in a bed and then you wake up in a strange island with only Darkrai in it. Of course, no one's lived in that house for decades, as you learn from locals later on.
In the fifth generation, Darkrai gets to be so much more sinister without even putting in an actual appearance. Black and White had this Easter Egg with a ghost girl that disappears on a bridge, but their sequels, Black 2 and White 2, had you explore the ghost girl's very haunted house, and find out that she died due to dark dreams, and a Lunar Wing (Cresselia's item) can be found nearby her house. It's all but spelled out that Darkrai flat-out killed this girl. What the reason it may be, something accidental or far more malicious, is never established. But man, Darkrai, you're just a cool looking nightmare demon thing.
#3 Torterra

Starter Pokemon get to show up here, yeah? Torterra is like a mixture of my two favourite starters a a child, Venusaur and Swampert. It's four-legged and a huge dinosaurian reptile with plants on its back, like Venusaur, and it's a tank (with a sole 4x weakness) defensively that's able to launch powerful Earthquakes like Swampert. I absolutely love Torterra, despite not really caring for Turtwig (Piplup's definitely the cutest of the Sinnoh starters) and tolerating Grotle at best. But Torterra is just such a cool looking beast with its gigantic snapping turtle beak, and the World Turtle allusions with having a small bonsai garden on its back. I've always loved it when Pokemon references Asian legends, and Torterra referencing the World Turtle (well, tortoise) while taking a unique spin with being a Grass-type instead of the obvious Water-type, is very cool indeed. I think I have a thing for awkward slow-looking starters, yeah?
In any case, my Torterra is a monstrous physical tank. Wood Hammer! Earthquake! Stone Edge! Crunch! All the Sinnoh starters are very awesome, but Torterra is just a juggernaut and I really love my Torterra. What can I say? I like dinosaurs.
#2 Garchomp

Also I'm 100% sure that Garchomp is my favourite pseudo-legendary. Well, maybe not, but it's either Garchomp or Metagross. Salamence, Tyranitar and Hydreigon are very close calls, though. They be cool monsters too. But none of them are hammerhead-shark-dragon-jet-raptors living in the desert. So.
#1 Giratina

Giratina is an undead shadow worm dragon from a parallel dimension that happens to be the god of antimatter. How can you not love him? Compared to his fellow 'gods', Giratina actually feels like a Lovecraftian design and, yeah, I like Arceus but he's ultimately kind of a majestic horse with a golden ring. Giratina is, again, an undead worm dragon. That breaks reality. He's just cool.
With a Top Five Favourite, let's go through my bottom five. It's a staple that I list my five least favourite Generation IV Pokemon...
#5 Probopass
I don't hate Probopass the way so many other people do. In the comics Probopass is actually pretty cool, with the mini moai things being actually drones that Probopass controls. But while Nosepass is an innocent enough design, Probopass just looks weird. They're just trying way too much, adding the magnetic drone thing, the Moai Easter Statue thing, the compass thing, the metal filling mustache/nose hair and just generally making a really weird design. It only ends up in this list by process of elimination -- Electivire and Magmortar are two other super-ugly designs that could've ended up here, except those two I've grown to really like due to them kicking all sorts of ass. Probopass is just kind of, well, an ass.
#4 Buneary/Lopunny
Yeah, I never liked these two. I mean, you gotta have useless Normal-type two stages in a game, but did they have to make these? Buneary is kind of innocent enough, but I just don't like it. Lopunny, though, is the type of design that's absolutely weird with a bland brown colour scheme, a main body that's thin as a stick and two weirdly huge poofy ear things that just look ugly. And then you realize it's supposed to be a playboy bunny to cater to those Furry members of the community... ugh. I don't think I would've hated Lopunny this much if not for the community, and it's otherwise just a "m'eh" Pokemon in my book, but still.
#3 Glameow/Purugly
I hate cats. I'm definitely a dog person through and through, and I absolutely hate cats. It's not universal, however... I don't mind cute kittens, and anything that looks like a predatory cat that can fuck me up are cool. Which is why I didn't mind Persian (who looks more like a panher than a housecat) or Meowth (this one is definitely the anime's fault), the graceful Espeon is actually one of my favourite Gen II Pokemon, and other cat Pokemon like the cute Litten, the sleek Liepard and the weird Espurr are all cats I've grown attached to. But Glameow and Purugly are just... ugly cats. Purugly probably intentionally so, but damn Purugly is such a horrifyingly ugly design. Look at that fat shit! Glameow also has this very weird spring-tail and annoying frills and whatnot latched on to her design that makes me absolutely loathe the two.
#2 Lickilicky
Oh man, I hate Lickilicky. My hatred for it has subsided since I first played Platinum, which is purely out of hatred for his design. Lickitung is one of the worst things in the original 150, and they made it... chubbier, into this overweight pink kid with a stupid spit-curl, a fucking bib and a stupid Wi-Fi signal on its stomach. What? Add that to Lickilicky being absolutely irritating in the otherwise pretty cool Darkrai movie, and I just ended up having nothing but dislike for the thing. I've grown to tolerate it... until my attempts to conquer XY's Battle Maison surfaced, and holy fuck Lickilicky is annoying. It's one of those annoying tanky Normal-types, but it has such a wide array of movesets that doesn't even make sense. It can use Ice Beam! Solarbeam! Thunderbolt! Earthquake! Flamethrower! Focus Blast! Rock Slide! Dragon Tail! Surf! Shadow Ball! Honestly the only types that Lickilicky doesn't have in his arsenal are Fairy, Psychic and Bug, and how the fuck does it make sense for an obese lizard with an oversized tongue to launch balls of ghostly shadow or to summon thunder from the skies?
#1 Ambipom
I'm pretty sure I listed Ambipom among the top 10 Pokemon I hate the most. And, yeah, I hate Ambipom. I'm not very fond of monkeys in real life, and Ambipom doesn't even look like a cute monkey. In-between its weird udder ass-tail-hands, its annoying-as-all-hell hairdo, its irritating Fake Out movesets and generally just being annoying... Lickilicky at least looks like it can be a tanky problem. Ambipom is just kinda shit and annoying.
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