Thursday 6 October 2016

One Piece 824 Review: Wet Cookies

One Piece, Chapter 824: The Power of Fullness

It's a bit of a more underwhelming chapter, really, because the fight between Luffy and Cracker just sort of kind of... fell flat. With the fights themselves only given a couple of real scenes, and the huge Sanji flashback intercutting it and being more interesting at the same time, it's really hard to get excited about Luffy and Cracker. Repeating the 'Nami is being scary to the homies' and 'Luffy is too full' dialogue for like the third time isn't exactly endearing either. It's not epic or exciting either when it's super-fat Luffy eating cookie soldiers, though the little role that Nami plays in summoning the rain to soften them is kinda cool. Luffy enters Gear Fourth in his fat form, forming "Tankman", before... goading Cracker to attack his stomach, but it's too rubbery, and he launches Cracker off into the distance? It's a bit anticlimactic and the rather confusing arrangement of the action panels doesn't really help either. Still, it's good that it's done with, at least. 

There's a bit where Chopper and Carrot are still being chased in the mirror world. 'Kay then.

Sanji gets a fake face attached to his face that slows down his healing, but makes him presentable in time for the wedding. Reiju notes that this is the only time she'll help Sanji, and that he should've known better than to return to the Vinsmoke family. She asks Sanji about the chivalry thing, and apparently it isn't something he picked up from his mom and his sister being the only decent people in his family (though Reiju's kind of still on the fence) but from Zeff, too. It didn't quite have the same impact as last chapter's huge flashbacks had, but it's still nice, and only One Piece can make a line as corny as 'it's a rule from the time of the dinosaurs' work. Oh, and Zeff actually being a parent. That's cool, too. 

So yeah, a bit of a disappointing chapter... I guess it's a creative way for Luffy to beat Cracker? I still wished for something different, but I guess Cracker is minor enough a villain for them to fool around a bit. I really hope the Cracker fight is over, or if it has to continue, have them be more serious about it, at least. There's wacky and there's just simply being dumb. 


  1. Nah, didn't find this fight all that dumb, it does make sense he would try eating biscuits.

    It's good to see Luffy won with help from Nami and due to circunstances and after 11 freaking hours, he'll at least be more experienced after all of this.

    1. I dunno, I just felt underwhelmed by it. Still cool to see Nami actually be useful in a fight, though. When was the last one she was useful in a fight? Taking down an escaping Caesar Clown two years ago, I think?

    2. ...That Law was about to take care of, by the way, but yeah.

      I do like she didn't pull the "I wont interfere, that's his fight" card like everyone in Dressrosa. She said "we're pirates" instead, that's more like it.

    3. It is a really big problem that One Piece has, really, to set up all matches to be one-on-one. I mean, it's epic and all, but sometimes it just leaves a lot of characters underused and stuck in the sidelines. Especially the women. Just look at Rebecca and Robin in the Dressrosa arc. And, honestly, despite being hyped as the fourth-strongest member of the Straw Hats after the monster trio, Robin has never really done anything interesting other than beat up mooks. That is with one of the most broken Devil Fruits ever that was shown to be the best weapon an assassin could ever wish.

    4. I actually thought Franky was the fourth, I don't know about Brook, he's joking around mostly the time so it's hard to tell how strong he is for real (he fought Ryuuma for a bit). Robin needs desperately a fight like that one back on Skypiea.

    5. Franky or Robin could go either way, to be honest -- the thing is, Robin has barely gotten a fight after she joins the crew. She has a very badass one in Skypiea where she very nearly kills (and honestly is implied to until some nonsense 'he actually survived' in a later chapter) one of the priest bosses, and Water Seven her lack of participation is forgiveable due to her mind being confused and all of that.

      But then the crew split-up happened, the focus went on Luffy alone for a while, the timeskip happened, and Robin never got anything throughout Fishman Island, Punk Hazard or Dressrosa other than take out some mooks or elite mooks.
