Sunday 1 November 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 147 Review: Galan's Golf Balls & Jericho's Figurative Balls. Also, Pride.

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 147: Death Chase

I did a Toriko review before this, discussing the metric fuckton of introdumps that were delivered there, but my laptop ate it. So I guess I'll do Toriko alongside this week and last week's chapters of Tokyo Ghoul:RE, which requires a lot of typing. So now let's talk about Nanatsu no Taizai. Last chapter's week, anyway, possibly hours before this week's chapter is out. 

Galan regains his strength, and he punches the ground and, well, basically obliterates the town. Merascylla notes how Ban can't fight anymore since Galan's sheer strength was too much for Ban's body to handle. 

Then we get this sequence where Jericho drags Ban and Elaine's body around, and she just refuses to fucking give up. Galan and Merascylla are just goofing around, with Scylla ripping up gigantic meteor-sized chunks of rock and Galan using his awesome golfing techniques to whack them with backspin and whatnot to, well, basically tear apart large amounts of terrain. I mean, they are demons, so I guess they can do the eyeball-rolling villain trope of having fun with their prey which will undoubtedly lead to their downfall.

Major respect to Jericho, who not only have repeatedly stated that he will not abandon Ban or Elaine despite both of them pleading her to save herself. And at one point she actually blocks one of the meteor golf balls head-on, shattering it with nothing but her sword. Good job, Jericho, for someone whose power has so far been stabbing really fast. The artwork and script really makes her determination and her pain evident, and she keeps dragging Ban and Elaine alone, up until a meteor golfball hits too close, and throws them off a cliff.

Elaine uses her wind magic to slow their fall... and they enter this weird bar in the middle of nowhere, called 'My Sweet Gluttony'. And there's a gigantic axe behind the bar. The bar is manned by this weird skinny dude with glasses and a mustache... holding a bottle with the words 'Seven Deadly Sins' on it. It didn't dawn (hee hee, dawn) on me on my first reading that this was Escanor, what with the whole body-size-changing and the Merlin (Gluttony) fanboying and the axe and the Seven Deadly Sins bottle, but yeah, it definitely is.

So Escanor maybe can fight Galan and Merascylla next chapter? It all depends on the time of the day, though, so can they hold out? In any case, though, this is Escanor's first appearance outside of the Edinburgh Vampire side-story (which was awesome) so yeah, good fun! Hope to see him kick ass next chapter.

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