Friday 13 November 2015

Boku no Hero Academia 66 Review: Building Up Other Characters

Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 66: Midoriya's Class Observational Record

I really do quite like this chapter a bit. We start off with Heal Girl scolding All Might for going overboard -- and indeed he looks like he's about to go all Bane on Midoriya last chapter. And All Might notes now strong Midoriya is for electing to stay and watch the other fights, while congratulates the unconscious Bakugou for not being afraid of any wall before him. Nice little subtle characterization for All Might, and builds up on how Gran Tourino views his teaching methods... unsuitable.

Midoriya watching all these battles while Heal Girl narrates how the teachers and powers are matched up depending on the students' specific problems are great.

We cut back to ECTOPLASM fighting Tokoyami and Tsuyu. We learn that Ectoplasm's quirk, in addition to looking absolutely bomb with that skull-and-cape getup (even if he does have weird peg legs as this chapter reveals) has a pretty cool power. His quirk is 'Clones', allowing him to vomit out ectoplasm from his mouth that an transform into copies of himself, and can make around 30... 36 if he's fresh off karaoke.... um okay then. He is also shown to be able to create a gigantic version if he has a visual of his enemies, and can trap them within the gooey ectoplasm itself.

Heal Girl explains how Tokoyami's greatest strength is overwhelming the enemy with range and speed, but lacks in close-range defense, so Ectoplasm's clones that can sprout out in close range is a great counter for him. Tsuyu, on the other hand, is pretty good in all aspects, being cool under pressure (a fact that Midoriya remembers from the USJ arc) so it hinges on whether they can work together. And they do! Against Ectoplasm's awesome-looking giant clone, the trapped Tsuyu and Tokoyami manage to make use of Tokoyami's Dark Shadow as a distraction while Tsuyu vomits out the handcuffs which travel within the Dark Shadow and get a victory over Ectoplasm.

We see a bit of Ashido and Kaminari, who's fighting Principal Nedzu... and are absolutely overwhelmed. His quirk is "High Spec" and is basically like, super-smart. And he's controlling this giant wrecking ball crane and is systematically destroying the city to seal off the exit while drinking tea and laughing like a maniac -- apparently he suffered at the hands of humans before like a lab rat or something, so sometimes his 'real personality' emerges.

We then cut away to Kyouka and Jirou, the latter being one of the least memorable characters in the class, even moreso than Tape Man and Tail Man. Both Kyouka (earphone jack) and Jirou (can talk to animals) have quirks cancelled out by Present Mic's super-loud voice. We get some confirmation about the specifications of Present Mic's powers (when he was born his parents and the doctor's ears bled) and Jirou... is apparently this giant crybaby that's afraid of bugs. But after a bit of Kyouka's planning and encouraging words, we get a bit of a flashback to Jirou and his mother. Man, all these background characters getting characterization and all of them having dreams and aspirations and shit. The bugs travel through the ground and apparently all of them shock Present Mic so much he fainted.

Meanwhile Mineta's just running away crying. Oh you dumb kid.

Overall a great chapter. Great to see established characters being explored even further (Tokoyami and Tsuyu) and great to see background characters actually get a personality (Jirou especially). Top-notch artwork especially on the Ectoplasm sections. I do like this arc, and it's unexpectedly shaping up to be really quite good. 

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