Tuesday 24 November 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 151 Review: Earthbending

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 151: The Stage Awaits Us

We take a break from the Escanor stuff to focus almost fully on Diane. And it's honestly not quite interesting. We get the expected explanation for Matrona's survival. Someone saved her, she ends up being a pacifist because of Past!Diane. Present-day Diane angsts over her lack of memories while still being happy-go-lucky, and I'm honestly not a big fan of this stupid amnesia plot at all. Matrona talks about how the dance basically makes her one with the earth since they have to listen to the earth and whatnot, so maybe by learning this she can, oh, I dunno, earthbend or something?

This takes up nearly two-thirds of the chapter, until an ugly-ass vulture demon thing drops brochures for a fight festival in Vaizel, the town where the previous fight festival happened -- which we know has been wiped out by some of the Ten Commandments. Meliodas (and an uncharacteristically chipper Gilthunder) is happy to join it because they can't sense Escanor anymore, possibly because the dude's gone into hiding or something.

The demons return to their masters, the giant four-armed burlap-headed Commandment and the cute little girl with tentacles. She's pouting because one of the ugly bird things didn't return, while her bigger partner notes how she loves imitating humans. Tentacle-girl notes how this is efficient at gathering strong souls in one place, and she thinks about how Meliodas will be around because she knows Meliodas.

Well, we're returning back to more Ten Commandments stuff, which is something, at least. Bit of a disappointing chapter otherwise, though.

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