Friday 20 November 2015

Toriko 348 Review: Where Not Much Progress is Made

Toriko, Chapter 348: There's Nothing We Can't Eat

Honestly nothing much happens in this chapter. The big bulk of this chapter's information is Asarudy's explanation about the properties of Another and News. Eating the meat dish News allows you to create the warp kitchen and safe zones and travel through the back channel and whatnot, but News is a dish that has no flavour -- or at least no flavour that they can perceive at the moment. Asarudy uses the wood that made up the table and chairs, noting how they aren't food in the strictest sense to humans, but to termites it would be food. Asarudy notes that for the gourmet cells, there is nothing that they can't eat, and Another will unlock the ability to, well, taste everything, as it were, recognizing all the tastes and whatnot that you cannot before.

The rest of the chapter just, well, basically shows things happening that we know needs to happen. The Gourmet Knights return with the ingredients for the golden cookware, something something about mental damage. Kuriboh makes the golden pot with his bare hands (helped out with warp kitchen), Melk makes the knife and everyone is like 'holy shit this level of skill is soooo awesome' which is honestly kind of getting old when every single chapter that is being said.

Also, apparently Komatsu just, uh, kind of finished cooking the rest of the ingredients, because Frohze's spirit... so that means the manga might've been rushed after all since Toriko, Sani, Coco and Zebra's quests are basically moot.

We get some bullshit about Komatsu and Chako I don't read, then the chiefs assemble clad in golden aprons. We get confirmation that Chinchinchin and match are alive, Don Slime shows up and opens the door to the Soul World.

So, um, yeah, a mostly uneventful chapter that sort of reawakens my fears that the manga may be slightly rushed to its ending.

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