Friday 20 November 2015

One Piece 807: Brook, Flashbacks & Mammoth Jack!

One Piece, Chapter 807: 10 Days Ago...

Fuck dammit, you don't just go hinting at something bad happening to Sanji for several chapters, end last chapter with Nami crying and being cut off mid-sentence, take a week-long break, and then just offhandedly mention that... he disappeared and left a note. It's so anti-climatic. I mean, no one in their right mind would expect Sanji to have died, least of all dying offscreen, but still. He disappeared and left a note. Not even leaving the crew, or being captured, or turned into a frog or some bullshit like that. Fuck you, Nami, and your fake tears.


Anyway, this chapter's still pretty much a buildup, and a good chunk of it is a much-needed flashback to just how the fuck Team Sanji escaped Big Mom's ship, something that I've been wondering about for, oh, the past year or so. We've got the cover story showing, uh... Kuina's father (did he even have a name? Whatever, I never seem to remember civilian names anyway) being exasperated at all the students in his dojo mimicking Zoro's three-sword style and actually taping their left eye shut. That's hilarious! Also, um, did we know how Zoro lost that eye, if it's even blind in the first place? Is it secretly a Sharingan?

We get some more party scenes as the Straw Hats just have fun with the Mink people (there are a couple of dudes that look like Jabra and Lola, but it could just be the art style). Brook shows up in a grand entrance, and as 100% of the fandom notes, the 'dead body' that Wanda said a couple of chapters ago is in reference to Brook. It's probably a pun that doesn't get through the language barrier properly, though, something like 'the corpse(s) of your friends is in the jungle' and 'your friend Mr. Corpse is in the jungle' both working well for the Japanese translation or something I dunno man I don't speak Japanese. Also, the mink people really like to chew on Brook because, uh, dogs and shit.

Did Pandaman already show up yet?

Brook, in between being all Yohohohohoho and shit, seems to be the only one concerned about the happenings there, whispering to Luffy that Momonosuke is cooped up in his room and refuses to come out. He tells the Straw Hats to gather around, telling them that the words Wano and Samurai are both taboo in there, so we're unexpectedly going to get some more tie-in to the never-ending Wano arc, and it's cool how the writer actually got rid of Kin'emon and Kanjurou. Perhaps not in the most elegant way it could've been done, but I didn't expect them getting knocked off the dragon drawing to be plot-relevant.

Luffy and Zoro are all like 'oh, so Sanji left a note, oh, whatever, he's not captured or anything'. Totally a tie-in to the whole wanted poster thing, innit. So why did they have to skirt around it so much? Unless there's an epic revelation somewhere down the line...

Also to note is that Caesar Clown is MIA in the present-day scenes, although he could just be locked up somewhere. Luffy and co. don't ask about him because honestly do you think that Luffy still remembers Caesar Clown exists?

Franky and Usopp then say what I've been saying for weeks: tell us the whole story from the beginning damn it! And we do get it. We see them being pursued by Big Mom's giant singing ship (because yeah why not) way back when we saw them in the Dressrosa arc before they went MIA. On board the ship are Tamago and Pekoms (we know that), a couple of mermen (anyone we know?) and Capone Bege. We know Bege's allied himself with Big Mom, but not specifically that he was on that ship.

We see the B-team panicking for a bit, noting how Franky and Usopp are the ones who usually handled the ship... and then we see them actually being awesome, which is something we haven't seen since the past year or so. We see Brook freezing the cannonballs, Monster Chopper using Caesar Clown's body to trampoline the frozen cannonballs up, and Sanji just Diable Jambe-ing the cannonballs back onto the singing ship. Who, uh, screams. Is the ship sentient or something? Nami uses her Rain Tempo to then cover their escape.

I do like how Monster Chopper's just treated as, well, just another move and how now that it's under control it isn't a big HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THAT panel like how it was back in the CP9 arc.

I'm also a big fan of how Bege, Pekoms and Tamago are freaking out over things that, well, we, the audience take for granted about the Straw Hat Crew. How can that man fly? How can the weather suddenly change and fuck them over? It's cool that despite technically having the upper hand in terms of size and resources there the fact that the Straw Hats can basically use their exotic abilities to surprise and deal a counter attack and escape. Good job, B-team!

The next day after escaping from Big Mom, they reached Zou -- already in a state of disrepair. Apparently, Sanji's team didn't fight off Jack or anything like that (or bring destruction to the town) since Jack's attack happened two weeks ago, as opposed to Sanji's team arriving ten days ago. But Chopper and the rest helping them to recover -- Chopper's medicine, and Nami's optimism or some shit. So it's why the Minks consider the Straw Hat crew their benefactors.

All the storytelling (also, what about the mysterious tanuki girl and Sheephead and all that?) get interrupted because 'the prince has woken up', leading King Chopper and his two new medical assistants, Miyagi the goat and Tristan the squirrel, to run off. Apparently the Mink tribe has two princes that rule, with Inuarashi ruling in the day and Nekomamushi ruling in the night. A dog and a cat, as my limited glossary of Japanese words informs me. A weird system, and maybe Inuarashi waking up after being in a coma is because he was tortured by Jack or something? I dunno, but I bet that's what's going on.

We see Law reuninting with Bepo and his entire crew (not just the four named characters we saw last chapter), and slyly noting how it's almost night. Whoever Neko-prince is, this line of dialogue, and several from previous chapters that reference things being different in the night, seems to imply that Nekomamushi is... well, his rule might be odd.

We then have Wanda's own storytelling about the day of Jack's attack, when all shit went down... and Jack is this gigantic, towering mammoth that looms so scarily over all the Mink people. So, yeah, as the elephant footprints hint, Jack is indeed a mammoth Zoan -- we saw him in human form (partially) after the Dressrosa arc, after all. Though he could be riding on top of the mammoth, conveniently off-screen and revealed next chapter or whatever, but I still think he's, well, a mammoth Zoan. Can't be an elephant, because, well, Funkfreed had that fruit. So he's likely to be an ancient Zoan, whatever hell distinction ancient Zoan gives compared to regular Zoan fruits.

Also, Jack is searching for Raizou of the Wano Kingdom (who may or may not be the monkey) which is definitely why Momonosuke is so afraid of coming out of his room. A neat tie-in between the Zou and Wano arcs, definitely.

Well, this is all interesting and shit, definitely, other than the bit about foreshadowing Sanji's fate for so long and then it being handwaved away. Some neat tying of plotlines -- namely the Wano samurais which has been stalled for close to two years ever since Kin'emon showed up in Punk Hazard and then doing nothing important over the course of two years. 

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