Sunday 1 November 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 148 Review: Drunk Demon Games

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 148: GALAN GAME

Of all the things I expected to happen in this chapter, seeing Galan and Merascylla dicking around while drunk, before turning horrifying and then back to drunk again and going all "Galaaaan gameeee~~~" while Escanor's just fortunate enough to buy time until noon... it's just ridiculous and funny yet doesn't cheapen the threat of the Ten Commandments.

We get a short moment of fun introductions as bartender!Escanor (who's totally aping Meliodas iwth the bar thing, isn't he? Except, y'know, in a freaking cave) recognizes Ban and vice versa, but Escanor, while panicking as well, tries to lie to Jericho, who he assumed captured Ban. Escanor and Ban just kind of act happy around each other, and Escanor promptly hides Ban, Jericho and Elaine in the food storage...

Just as Galan and Merascylla drop in. That full-page spread is awesome. Galan is an awesome design. There's so many great poses he got put in over this arc.

And then Galan smells... ALCOHOL! And gets absolutely drunk drinking from a barrel. He pours out a glass for Merascylla... who initially refuses before immediately getting hilariously (and slightly erotically) drunk as well. They both rave about how humans are the best mortal race thanks to their innovations in alcoholic drinks, which is just hilarious as they keep drinking while cowardly Escanor tries to talk about beer.

Drunken Merascylla (who is hilarious) tells Escanor he passes, talking about how they will spare Escanor when they wipe out humanity, while Galan is pouting about how "Mera-chan" can't decide stuff like that on her own. Drunk Galan has the most hilarious expression on his face, too. Galan randomly says how he's a demon, and Escanor goes all "oh, shit, like the stories that Merlin told me?"

And suddenly the next page they are no longer funny-expression drunken Galan and Merascylla, but are drawn in a partially blackened-out inking with only their eyes and Galan's jagged mouth picked out in white. Absolutely brilliant panelwork here as Galan and Merascylla talks about how Ban, Elaine and Jericho are unforgiveable. Yeah, they may be funny while drunk, but they're still, y'know, demons. And Galan talks about how he knows all along that Escanor's hiding the three in the vault....

But since he's in a generous mood (and, y'know, drunk)...


He just looks so hilarious and happy while shouting that. Galan makes a promise on pain of his Truth curse that he will let everyone there go free if Escanor wins in the game. Merascylla and Galan do a high five which in itself is fucking hilarious. Galan's game, however is both of them take a weapon, and each take turns to attack each other one by one, and the first to die loses.

Well, Galan, um, I think you've never played this game with someone on your level, eh?

Galan tells Escanor he can go first, and poor, scared Escanor just nods. Galan pats Escanor on the back... with the strength of a demon, which whacks Escanor into the ground, unconscious. Galan notes how none of them can back out thanks to his Truth curse, which will apply to him as well if he tries to break free...

And of course, they wait until noon drinking booze (drunk Galan and drunk Scylla are funny) and Galan happily checks out the giant battleaxe after a fun little camaraderie with Merascylla... Galan notes how heavy the axe is, how it's designed so strangely -- the handle's way too short for the heavy head, and is totally wrong for a two-handed axe... and then Escanor, all bulked up and ripping his bartender outfit apart, very, very easily holds the axe up by the handle with one hand, the one-handed holy axe Ritter, when Galan had trouble picking it up with both hands.

Galan, you done fucked up.

Escanor, since he's in his buff mode, just talks trash about Galan and Merascylla, and Merascylla notes how Escanor isn't entirely human... but Escanor notes how he's a human -- the pinnacle of his species, the "Lion's Sin", Lord Escanor. All while having this ridiculous mustache.

Holy shit, I do love this chapter. So fun. Galan is funny. He's probably about to die, but it's a-okay. This chapter was totally worth it.

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