Tuesday 8 November 2016

Fairy Tail 509 Review: More Orgasms!

Fairy Tail, Chapter 509: Kagura vs. Rahkeid

Apparently it's either 'Rahkeid' or 'LaCarde' depending on the translation site. Guess who doesn't care about the translation of nonsense names? Not me.
Okay, the bit where Kagura was going all anime heroic character and slicing mountains and doing iai slashes, and Rahkeid was actually using his fingers as like zen monk swords to block sword strikes and showing off how strong he is? Kagura biting her tongue to avoid being affected by orgasm magic other than one or two panels? Those bits were half-decent. Nothing you haven't seen a billion times in a billion other mangas, but it's not something that's actively bad. The fact that this was Kagura and she had enough importance to deal a mortal blow if not outright win, but minor enough to be fodder, makes it ten times more interesting than it was if it was just "Plot Armor" Erza Scarlet.

There's the bit with Jellal being talked down by August, because Jellal defected from worshipping Zeref because of a light called Erza and love and all that sappy nonsense, but it was short. And August gets to piss all over that and give us some backstory about Rahkeid at the same time. Apparently Rahkeid is a bit jealous that Zeref never paid any attention to him, and focuses more on Natsu all the time. What a dick, Zeref. 

Then, of course, Rahkeid overpowers Kagura, slices her and promises to send her soul to heaven without a hint of pain. Yeah, like that is going to happen. She'll be fine next chapter. Then Rahkeid continues to use her orgasm tentacles to attack Yukino and give her even more orgasms. Meanwhile, August notes that the only person that can ever defeat Rahkeid is his mother.

His mother, Mavis, who is also orgasming from Rahkeid's disturbing magic. Also his mother that looks like seven years old, yet in this chapter is drawn in such an angle as if she's naked and barely covering her pre-pubescent chest with her hand in an erotic pose. PEDOPHILIA IS NOT OKAY! And using the 'but she's really five thousand years old' excuse doesn't make objectifying the bodies of little girls any less disturbing.

Who's gonna bet that Rahkeid is going to be defeated by some silly nonsense like mother's love or something that'll beat all the orgasms? I mean, we haven't exactly crossed over to oedipal incest love as far as the sexual fetishes go in Fairy Tail. Why not just go through them all? 

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