Sunday 20 November 2016

My Hero Academia 116: The Prison Tartarus

Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 116: Tartarus Greeting

(Oops, forgot about this. Sorry it's late.)

All For One notes how he's locked in Tartarus, which is this super-dupe-secure prison where it's nigh-impossible to get out, or even activate his quirk, without every possible military contingency coming to life and killing him. All Might tries to understand what All For One is trying to do, what his main plans are, but All For One notes how Shigaraki is his own man now, and anyway the two of them embody such different ideals that they'll never be able to see eye to eye. And All For One notes how the wounds inflicted on his body by All Might caused his previously-limitless powers and goals to become limited, which is why he ended up finding a successor to entrust his legacy to.

All For One, who's cut off from all outside world information, then proceeds to recap the situation in the outside world, how random villains and organizations are starting to be emboldened by the fall of the symbol of peace, and notes how All Might will have to live with the fact that, moreso than everything else, he is responsible of the creation of this generation of supervillains, simply by failing to live up to the ideal of the larger-than-life ALL MIGHT persona, and without his powers... All Might can't do jack shit.

All Might has a brief personal thought about how the thought of Shigaraki as the blood relative of his old master disturbs him so much, how Shigaraki will end up killing both All Might and Midoriya... but All Might grips his fists together, remembering how at the end of the day Shigaraki is a crimnial, and delivers that pretty badass series of lines mirrored up there. It's not often that All Might's broken form is allowed to look badass, but the artwork on this panel, holy fuck. He will not allow himself to be killed, and notes how he'll devote his life to smash apart All For One's visionary future.

All Might leaves the prison, while All For One laughs.

Man, a short, expected but still pretty great scene to read.

All Might discusses with his police friend a bit about leads and whatnot, and All Might has this pretty d'aww reaction when Midoriya shows him the picture of the provisional license. Midoriya is hanging out at their summer home, where everyone's happy... but Bakugou then whispers to Midoriya to come outside, because he wants to discuss Midoriya's quirk. It's going to be an interesting discussion for sure, and it's a thing that people have been suspecting will eventually end up being the huge rift that causes Midoriya and Bakugou to be antagonistic to each other. Bakugou did make a point in previous arcs about how he doesn't care where Midoriya got his quirk from, or what All Might did to make Midoriya powerful, but he's not stupid so I'm sure he figured it out. Ten bucks that says all Bakugou wants is for Midoriya to train him or something like that, but we'll see. 

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