Friday 18 November 2016

One Piece 846 Review: Big Mom's Army

One Piece, Chapter 846: Egg Defense

We have a couple of short match-ups, with Nami apparently holding her own and controlling thunderbolts (sadly offscreen) and earning the respect and wrath of Charlotte Galette. Amande, the lady with a huge huge hat, slices King Baum in half with a huge sword quite brutally, making sure to kill Baum slowly instead of swiftly in one strike.

Mont Dor, the weird dude with the weird hair and weird clothes, stands on top of floating books, talking about how Luffy is weakened from the fight against Cracker, and he can't stand against the Chess Barbarian Army. Which Luffy is doing, and Opera the whipped craem minister attacks Luffy as a giant wave of whipped cream. Which is hot and can melt shit, apparently? Luffy then finds himself in a weird Through-the-Looking-Glass style Escher location where he's confused while D'or talks about how it's the world of books. Nami yells at Luffy to watch out and apparently it's a hypnotism-genjutsu thing and Luffy gets whacked by two gigantic dudes with haki'd up hands.

So yeah, not a very good time for either Luffy or Nami. Amande discovers the vivre card, noting that it belongs to Lola, and when they find out about how the Straw Hats are friends of the 'runaway', they decide to take this matter up with Mama. Luffy has no say in the matter because he's immediately knocked out. 

We get a moment where Sanji talks with Big Mom, who decides to actually forgive the Straw Hats despite the transgressions they've made -- destroying the Seducing Woods, defeating Cracker, and eating the Fishman Island candy. Big Mom notes how she's not unreasonable, and while those offences are enough for her to want the Straw Hats dead, she's willing to ignore them in exchange for a smooth wedding. 

We then cut to some unexpected introdump featuring Baron Tamago, who talks about how there are 30 poneglyphs in the world, but only nine -- four Road Poneglyphs and five Rio Poneglyphs -- hold the information that they need. Big Mom has three ponegylphs in total (one of them a gift from Jinbe and Wadatsumi), one among them a Road Poneglyph. Meanwhile yet another one of Big Mom's three big lieutenants, one Lady Smoothie, is... squeezing a random woman into a smoothie. She's a big lady, and she is guarding the poneglyphs with Tamago for the moment. Smoothie's handiwork, the corpse of the woman she squeezed... isn't pretty.

Tamago also gives us the information that Pedro, who has infiltrated Whole Cake Island, was once the Poneglyph Thief pirate captain who was only spared due to Pekoms' pleading. Brook's ghost is watching, which is a very welcome return, where Brook and Pedro are infiltrating that building. Brook and Pedro talk for a bit, but then decide to use Pedro as bait.

We get some progression on the Luffy/Nami/Revenge Army front, a short Sanji moment, but I do really want to see more of the Brook stuff. Mostly because Brook, Tamago and Pedro intrigue me so much. Lots of cool things in this chapter -- it's always fun to see lots and lots of devil fruit powers being displayed and used in quick succession. 

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