Thursday 3 November 2016

One Piece 845 Review: Big Mom's Army

One Piece, Chapter 845: The Enraged Army

So, yeah, Luffy refuses to move from that spot, despite Nami and King Baum trying to talk some sense to him. Luffy even refuses to eat the candy rain, but meanwhile Big Mom is furious. Her two clouds, Zeus and Prometheus, are wreaking havoc and creating gigantic storms and as everyone expected, yeah, they're dopey clouds and not demonic fireballs from hell.

Meanwhile, the Enraged Army, which is sent to avenge Cracker, is moving out. We get to see a couple of Big Mom's children-lieutenants that we've seen in the previous chapter. Mont D'or (who is 'the Scribe'), Opera the whipped-cream man, Galette... and two others we've seen a while back. "Thrifty" Bobbin is the name of the dude with the abnormally huge grin and the weird holey mask that we saw during Big Mom's first appearance during the Fishman arc, and is leading the army. "Demon Lady" Amande is the lady with the huge-rimmed hat and huge sword we saw briefly alongside Randolph getting good ingredients.

Everyone is talking about how no one would be stupid enough to stay in the same place, but unlike Sanji, they've never met Luffy.

We see a bit more of Big Mom, talking to a young daughter, Anana, who wants to borrow knives to mutilate her teddy bear. Big Mom sends Tweedledee and Tweedledum Dolce and Dragee to get knives for her, and Big Mom just doesn't give a shit about encouraging her children's psychotic behaviours with the logic of 'oh well, everyone wants another 100 person dead anyway'. 

Big Mom sits on the same table, towering over the Germa 66 family and Judge is playing the 'nice father' card while sentient food and cutlery walk around and be cheery. Sanji doesn't seem to really care all that much for the sentient food. Pudding passes a message to Sanji, and explains everything to Sanji, how she arranged for a meeting with Luffy but are unable to do anything. The bracelets are Big Mom's doing, and Pudding is just all 'oh dear' about things. 

Sanji reveals his true bashed-in face to Pudding, noting with no small amount of vitriol about how his family is shit, and how he doesn't have allies in the castle. Sanji talks about how refusing the marriage would lead to the deaths of his adopted family and his adopted father, and Sanji talks about how he's attempting to get everyone off his back by surrendering... but it seems that, eh, that's not going to happen. Luffy is gomu-gomu-ing against the huge army (a bunch of chess-themed mooks) while this is happening, by the way. Nami seems to be helping out, too. 

Pudding goes all "I won't let this marriage be that hell" before going all "ah, I'm sorry, I didn't want to assume!" and then Sanji realizes that, yeah, he's got an ally, and asks Pudding to get married tomorrow if she doesn't mind.

Kind of very interested to see just what Sanji's going to have planned. Pudding is a sweet girl and has got some nice moments with Sanji, though I'm not quite up to shipping them yet -- mostly because I care much more if Sanji gets to bash Judge's head in more than who Sanji gets to bang. Also, where did Brook and Pedro bugger off to?

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